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Greek Jeopardy! Misc. Greek Stuff 5 10 15 20 25 The Trojan War 5 10 15 20 25 Chapters6-12 5 10 15 20 25 Chapters 13-16 5 10 15 20 25 Chapters17-25 5 10 15 20 25 Team Scores Team One Team Three Team Five Big Points Question Team Two Team Four Team Six
The topography of Greece could be described as Misc. Greek Stuff - 5 Points - The topography of Greece could be described as Back to Board
This word means human or able to be killed Misc. Greek Stuff - 10 Points - This word means human or able to be killed Back to Board
Predictions of Oracles could often be described as.. Misc. Greek Stuff - 15 Points - Predictions of Oracles could often be described as.. Back to Board
This is the person who interpreted the oracles and made predictions Misc. Greek Stuff - 20 Points - This is the person who interpreted the oracles and made predictions Back to Board
According to Greek myths these were the first two gods Misc. Greek Stuff - 25 Points - According to Greek myths these were the first two gods Back to Board
The Trojan War - 5 Points - The story of the war between Greece and Troy is told in this tale by Homer Back to Board
This great warrior’s only weakness was his heel The Trojan War - 10 Points - This great warrior’s only weakness was his heel Back to Board
Odysseus’ plan to get inside the walls of Troy involved using this The Trojan War - 15 Points - Odysseus’ plan to get inside the walls of Troy involved using this Back to Board
The Trojan War - 20 Points - This was the wife of Menelaus and was stolen by Paris, starting the war Back to Board
The Trojan War - 25 Points - This was the Greek king who lead the expedition against Troy (and was later killed by his wife.) Back to Board
Chapters 6-12 - 5 Points- These were the 9 immortals who were supposed to aid poets and musicians Back to Board
Chapters 6-12 - 10 Points- This person’s reforms of government were resisted by the aristocrats because it gave power to the lower classes Back to Board
Chapters 6-12 - 15 Points- Being captured in war, condemned as a criminal, or being unable to pay your debts were reasons you could be made one of these Back to Board
Most Greek children were not expected to live because of these reasons Chapters 6-12 - 20 Points- Most Greek children were not expected to live because of these reasons Back to Board
Chapters 6-12 - 25 Points- This is one of the ways that Sparta tried to keep their kings from becoming too powerful Back to Board
Chapters 13-16 - 5 Points - This was the 1st major victory for the Greeks in the Persian war. It’s also the term for a long race Back to Board
Chapters 13-16 - 10 Points - The war between Athens, its allies and Sparta and its allies was known as.. Back to Board
Chapters 13-16 - 15 Points - This is a part of Athenian democracy, they were in charge of religious, legal, and political matters Back to Board
Chapters 13-16 - 20 Points - The word “xenophobic” means this. It was a major cause of the Persian wars. Back to Board
Chapters 13-16 - 25 Points - This battle at the “hot gates” gave the rest of Greece time to prepare for the Persians (including a navy) Back to Board
Chapters 17-25 - 5 Points - This Greek thinker was famous for shouting “Eureka” when he discovered how to determine the purity of gold. Back to Board
Chapter 17-25 - 10 Points - These were a series of athletic contests intended to honor Zeus and stop wars among the poleis Back to Board
Chapters 17-25 - 15 Points - Greek sculptors made these in order to represent the idea of natural beauty and perfection (be specific) Back to Board
Greek theater generally fell into these two categories Chapters 17-25 - 20 Points - Greek theater generally fell into these two categories Back to Board
This is the style of arch invented by the Myceneans Chapters 17-25 - 25 Points - This is the style of arch invented by the Myceneans Back to Board
Final Jeopardy! Show Question
25 10 9 11 12 14 13 8 7 3 2 4 5 15 6 1 17 26 24 27 28 30 29 16 23 18 22 19 20 21 - Final Jeopardy - This was Plato’s great work where he described his utopia and explained how humans lived in false reality, much like prisoners in a cave. Back to Board
University of North Carolina at Wilmington All rights reserved. Authored by Jeff Ertzberger - 2004 University of North Carolina at Wilmington All rights reserved. All Clipart and Sounds Copyright Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Office Gallery Online – All Rights Reserved. Some images have been modified from original version. This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed without written permission, and may only be used for non-profit educational use. Using and Distributing this Template You are free to use this template in non-profit educational settings. If you improve it, I ask that you send it back to me with your improvements so that I can share it with others. You will be given credit for your improvements. If your improvements include media such as: clip art, pictures, sounds, etc be sure that you obtain permission to use and distribute those before sending it to me. Send improvements to: jeffertzberger@gmail.com End It