Vocabulary Greek Gods Famous People Rome Catch All 10 20 30 40 50
Greek word for city-state. 1 Greek word for city-state.
1 What is polis?
2 Belief in many gods
2 What is polytheism?
School of higher learning. 3 School of higher learning.
3 What is an academy?
4 Type of government where all citizens can vote. They hold political power.
4 What is democracy?
“High city”-public buildings were located there. 5 “High city”-public buildings were located there.
5 What is an acropolis?
6 Queen of the Gods.
6 Who is Hera?
7 God of the sea.
7 Who is Poseidon?
Goddess of love and beauty. 8 Goddess of love and beauty.
8 Who is Aphroditie?
9 Goddess of hunting.
9 Who is Artemis?
10 Messenger of the Gods
10 Who is Hermes?
Philosopher that taught his students to ask “Why”? 11 Philosopher that taught his students to ask “Why”?
11 Who is Socrates?
Philosopher that wrote “The Republic”. 12 Philosopher that wrote “The Republic”.
12 Who was Plato?
Conquered land from Greece to Pakistan. 13 Conquered land from Greece to Pakistan.
Who is Alexander the Great? 13 Who is Alexander the Great?
Student of Plato; educated in law, science, and math. 14 Student of Plato; educated in law, science, and math.
14 Who is Aristotle?
Created an “Oath” that doctors still say today. 15 Created an “Oath” that doctors still say today.
15 Who was Hippocrates?
River that Rome is located beside. 16 River that Rome is located beside.
16 What is the Tyber?
Type of government Romans had-elect people to represent you. 17 Type of government Romans had-elect people to represent you.
17 What is a republic?
Mountain range that is the “backbone” of Italy. 18 Mountain range that is the “backbone” of Italy.
18 What is the Appennies?
According to legend, the two founders of Rome. 19 According to legend, the two founders of Rome.
Who are Romulus and Remus? 19 Who are Romulus and Remus?
Unit of the Roman army. Approximately 4,500 soldiers. 20 Unit of the Roman army. Approximately 4,500 soldiers.
20 What is a legion?
Why did the Greeks originally hold the Olympics? 21 Why did the Greeks originally hold the Olympics?
21 To honor Zeus
Requirements to be a citizen in Athens… 22 Requirements to be a citizen in Athens…
Born there, male, own land 22 Born there, male, own land
Because he lives in the Underworld… 23 Because he lives in the Underworld…
Why doesn’t Hades live on Mt. Olympus? 23 Why doesn’t Hades live on Mt. Olympus?
Three types of Greek columns… 24 Three types of Greek columns…
What are doric, ionic, and corinthian? 24 What are doric, ionic, and corinthian?
25 Persian War battle where a messenger ran 26 miles to let Athens know they had won.
What is the Battle of Marathon? 25 What is the Battle of Marathon?