International Water Quality Guidelines for Ecosystems


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Presentation transcript:

International Water Quality Guidelines for Ecosystems Emmanuel Ngore UN Environment (UNEP) Cap-Net Meeting Nairobi , Kenya 08 November 2016

The Need…. Deterioration of water quality Depletion of freshwater ecosystem health and associated goods and services to society Biodiversity is continually threatened despite monitoring of physical, chemical and biological parameters To help countries meet Sustainable Development Goals To create a common platform also for transboundary waters

What are they? IWQGES are advisory in nature and provide a basis for both those without any water guidelines & those with guidelines can identify areas to improve for better ecosystem integrity Water quality, quantity and physical habitats and connectivity are considered for preservation of ecosystems They provide a base for setting national water quality policy and implementation

Typology of water bodies Running water ecosystems (streams & rivers) Standing water ecosystems (lakes & reservoirs) Wetland ecosystems

Setting the scene-Freshwater ESH Type of ecosystem : running water & associated wetlands; standing water; wetland systems Description 1. High Ecosystem Integrity The desired end More of reference state Must be guarded 2. Minimally to moderately disturbed Management to develop to 1 1&2 offer services to humans without fear of disease Are able to restore naturally 3. Highly disturbed Critical management necessary to stop further deterioration Clear negative impacts on ecosystem integrity functions 4. Extreme impairment Negatively impacted Point of no return 3& 4 - may target for a Best Attainable Condition through creating artificial ecosystem

Best Attainable Condition Is an important concept that governments and authorities can decide as a condition that could be achieved by implementing best management principles This may not be category 1 but can be close to or within category 2 Thus its never too late to redeem any water ecosystem

Developing the Water Quality Guidelines This is based on cyclic approach composed of 4 main phases made up of 9 steps Repeated cycles allow for adaptive management This was borne out of the modified - Drivers; Pressures; Stressors; States; Impacts; Responses (DPSSIR) model.

4 phases of 9 steps of IWQGES Assessment phase 5. Guidelines values for indicators 6. Monitoring 7. Evaluation of state and reporting Policy development 8. Governance 9. Cost benefit and funding operations Identification phase 4. Collecting and using existing data - Pressures, stressors, risks - High value areas - Estimate state of water body Initiation phase 1. Agree on vision and set objectives 2. Classify inland water Ecosystems 3. Set basin context 1 2 3 4 NEW AGENDA & ISSUES NEED FOR ECOSYSTEM IMPROVEMENT

Using data from cycle one and aiming for a higher level of management Cyclic Improvement Study area and objectives Maximizing existing data New data collection and condition assessment Data evaluation management and governance Cycle 2 Diligence brings a better ecosystem with each complete cycle How many years to get to BAC? Using data from cycle one and aiming for a higher level of management

Conclusion This is a timely tool that is simply put and allows water managers to see where they are and where they can make a change It bridges the gap between monitoring and improved water ecosystems Provides an overarching framework for SDG monitoring and reporting (targets 6.3 and 6.6) Sufficient funding could be a challenge to overcome – requires all to give the ecosystem its true value without looking at short-term exploitation gains, else over time ecosystem health will decline and their goods and services will be depleted

Thank You We look forward to your feedback!