French Revolution review Test is Friday, March 3rd Chapter 22 (French Revolution) Chapter 23 (Nationalism and Spread of Revolution)
Napoleon Bonaparte: Hero or Villain? Did Napoleon help or hurt the French Revolution/France? Did Napoleon help or hurt Europe? Overall, what letter grade did you give Napoleon in Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy, and Trust/Respect? Do you feel Napoleon was more hero or more villain? Why?
Napoleon Bonaparte: Hero or Villain? Positive Impacts (Helped Revolution) Negative Impacts (Hurt Revolution) Jobs were now based on ability not social class Napoleonic Code: divided laws so that they were more organized & treated people equally Imprisoned the pope Low expectations for women / hurt women’s rights Constant wars led to death of soldiers & loss of money
Nationalism and revolution spreads Please use Chapter 23, Lessons 2 and 4 or the Chapter 23 Summary to help you answer the worksheet questions. The focus is… What impact or effect did the French Revolution have on Europe and the world? How/why/where do the ideas of nationalism spread? How/why/where do revolutions occur throughout the early to mid 1800s?
French Revolution Flowchart: The Stages and Governments
Review activity First, please take out a slice of paper and divide it into 5 columns (each will represent 1 of the 5 stages of the FR). It should look something like this: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
French revolution review Sort the terms & descriptions on the following slides into the 5 stages of the revolution Remember: Stage 1 – Incubation Stage (problems and causes) Stage 2 – Symptomatic Stage (revolution begins – national assembly and Dec of Rights of Man) Stage 3 – Crisis Stage (The Reign of Terror) Stage 4 – Fever Breaking Stage (Moderate Revolution; no crisis; the Directory becomes the Empire) Stage 5 – Recovery and Spread Stage (Revolution ends and ideas of revolution spread throughout Europe)
Constitutional Monarchy Louis XVI Max Robespierre Napoleon Constitutional Monarchy
Republic Reign of Terror Chaotic Moderate
Total control Military dictator Liberal Conservative
Voting for property-owning men Enlightenment 3 Estates Unequal tax system Voting for property-owning men
Universal voting for all men Beheaded the King Universal voting for all men Beheaded the King Built large French empire throughout Europe Lost power after invading Russia in winter
Declaration of the Rights of Man Seven Years War Food Shortages Declaration of the Rights of Man Nationalism spreads
Class system based on job/ability not birth Wanted more change Class system based on job/ability not birth Wanted more change Tried to end Christian influence Revolutions & ideas of equality spread to other countries
Kings & rich resist to try to hold power Restored order Guillotine Kings & rich resist to try to hold power
Revolution reaches crisis stage Revolution becomes more moderate Causes Revolution begins Revolution reaches crisis stage Revolution becomes more moderate Effects Louis XIV Total Control Enlightenment 3 Estates Unequal tax system Seven Years War Food shortages Constitutional monarchy Voting for property-owning men Declaration of the Rights of Man Kings & rich resist to try to hold power Max Robespierre Wanted more change Beheaded king Republic Reign of Terror Guillotine Chaotic Universal voting for all men Tried to end Christian influence Napoleon Restored order Military dictator Moderate Built large French empire throughout Europe Lost power after invading Russia in winter Congress of Vienna Conservative Liberal Nationalism spreads Class system based on job/ability not birth Revolutions & ideas of equality spread to other countries