Date of download: 10/15/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Multiphysics Simulation of Blood Flow and LDL Transport in a Porohyperelastic Arterial Wall Model J Biomech Eng. 2006;129(3):374-385. doi:10.1115/1.2720914 Figure Legend: Profiles of the blood pressure (dotted-dashed line), transmural pressure (dashed line), radial stress (thin line), and sum of the transmural pressure and radial stress (thick line) during a pulse in the wall at the same position as in Fig. (white spot in Fig. ). (a, c) PHEM. (b, d) Rigid model. (a, b) Pulsatile flow. (c, d) Steady flow. Values on the Y-axis denote tensile stresses. Points 1, 2, and 5 are located at the middle of each layer in the wall, as illustrated in the lower right of each panel. It should be noted that in the rigid model, the profile of the blood pressure overlaps with that of the sum of the transmural pressure and radial stress. For pulsatile flow in the PHEM, the radial stress and sum of the transmural pressure and radial stress vary in phase with the blood pressure, while the transmural pressure varies out of phase with the blood pressure. For pulsatile flow in the rigid model, the transmural pressure, radial stress, and sum of the transmural pressure and radial stress vary in phase with the blood pressure.