Ouachita Green & Ouachita Business Alliance - Public/ Private Partnership
Intro Ouachita Business Alliance: Some of our Partners: Business, Government, Education, Non-profit & Community leaders from across ALL of Ouachita Parish Focused on Quality of Life, Economic Development & Workforce Development Beautification Subcommittee works on making our community cleaner & more beautiful. Some of our Partners:
The Problem US Highway 165 Unkempt, littered & unattractive Major traffic artery to fast growing area – residential, business & university:
The Solution - HWY 165 Median Landscape Enhancements Trees - 320 Shumard Oak trees Endcap landscaping Regular mowing Regular litter pickup
But How? Donations from businesses along the corridor Doctor’s offices, churches, grocery stores, large businesses, etc. Small, multi-year requests ($3k per year for 3 years) Large donations ($100k+) Cover planting & maintenance Committee members leveraged connections to raise funds
Ouachita Green was conduit as 501c
HWY 165 Before
HWY 165 After
HWY 165 Endcap Enhancements Endcap landscaping Drought resistant Funded by business donations
HWY 165 Before
HWY 165 After
Dedication with Lt. Governor
HWY 165 Pedestrian Bridge Enhancement Pedestrian Bridge Rehab Will enclose with modern signage welcoming motorists to area
Wildflowers HWY 165 Median Funded by Garden Clubs
Community Involvement
Water Sweep 2017
Business Yard of the Month
Recycling Guide and Recycling PSA Curbside Recycling Recycling Guide and Recycling PSA
OuachitaGreen. org Facebook. com/OuachitaGreen Instagram OuachitaGreen.org Facebook.com/OuachitaGreen Instagram.com/OuachitaGreen Litter Hotline: 318.460.0587