University of West Georgia MEDT Electronic Portfolio Stephanie Gauthia University of West Georgia MEDT Electronic Portfolio November 18, 2010
Table of Contents Introduction and Resume Statement of Purpose Projects that reflect Evidence of Standards Reflections for Evidence of ALA/AASL Standards Reflections for Evidence of College of Education Standards Roles of a Media Specialist Conclusion
Introduction and Resume My name is Stephanie Gauthia and I have been an elementary school teacher in the Metro Atlanta area for the past 11 years. I currently hold a Master’s Degree in Reading and am interested in becoming a media specialist. This portfolio was developed to reflect my learning in coursework towards an add-on certificate in media at the University of West Georgia. Please click the arrow to view my qualifications and contact information.
Statement of Purpose The purpose of this electronic portfolio is to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of curriculum standards designed by the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) and the objectives outlined by the Media Education and Technology department in the College of Education at the University of West Georgia (CoE).
Projects that Reflect Evidence of ALA/AASL Standards Policies and Procedure Handbook Research Models Paper Media Log Booktalk Pathfinder Two year plan Schoolwide program Orientation to Media Center Student instruction Project Stakeholders Project In service module Position paper Floor plan Return to Table of Contents
1.1 Efficient and ethical information seeking behavior Media specialists are responsible for teaching teachers and students how to use information effectively and responsibly. They are also responsible for promoting intellectual freedom and educating others how to use information in an ethical way. The Instructional Design Paper evaluates different research models that can be used to teach students and teachers how to find information in an ethical way. Pros and cons of each modeled are discussed as well as their appropriateness for students at different levels. It demonstrates my ability to communicate with learners how to gather information ethically. 1.1 Efficient and ethical information seeking behavior Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Research Models Paper Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Print materials often make up the bulk of a collection in any media center. Therefore it is important that the media specialist have knowledge of a variety of books to be used in conjunction with curriculum goals as well as those that reflect current trends among young readers. Media specialists should be aware of literary trends so that they can effectively promote reading to their current populations of students. The Media Log is a compiled list of texts and multimedia resources across a variety of genres for students of all ages. It shows knowledge about current reading material and genres that are of interest to young people. 1.2 Literacy and Reading Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Media Log Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
Link to Project that Reflects Standard: One of the most important jobs of a media specialist is to provide patrons with access to information. Pathfinders are collections of a variety of resources about a specific topic or standard. They are designed to help students access information easily. The Pathfinder designed for 6464 Reference Sources and Services demonstrates an understanding of how different types of resources can be made available for students. These resources include print and non print materials. This specific Pathfinder identifies a variety of resources available for an elementary school science standard. 1.3 Access to information Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Pathfinder Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
1.4 Stimulating Learning Environment The media center should ideally serve as the hub of a school. To achieve this media specialist must design the media center so that it is inviting and engaging for all patrons. Two Year Plan completed as an assignment for the 6466 Media Program course demonstrates knowledge of the ability to impact student learning by creating and maintaining a stimulating learning environment. This plan outlines different instructional programs for the student body that promote reading and use of the media center. 1.4 Stimulating Learning Environment Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Two Year Plan Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
2.1 Knowledge of learners and learning The collaborative role of a media specialist means that they are partners with other educators in helping students achieve academic success. As partners in student learning they must be knowledgeable of the curriculum and know how to combine that with media center services. The School Wide Program developed for 6466 Media Program proves knowledge about how to design and implement programs that support all members of the learning community. The Georgia Book Award program is a reading incentive program geared towards all student stakeholders. Its goal is to promote reading based on the specific needs of a specific school. Several of the activities in this plan are related to state standards. 2.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Link to Project that Reflects Standard: School Wide Program Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
2.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher Media specialists not only collaborate with teachers they also provide instruction. The documentation of work with teachers and students is a log of field experiences completed throughout the program. Teaching the Big 6 Research Model, presenting the Dewey Decimal Power Point, and assisting students with individual research needs are all examples of how information literacy skills were taught to students. Student observations and media specialist feedback during instructional experiences proved that learning goals were met. 2.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Documentation of Work with Teachers and Students Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
2.3 Information literacy curriculum One of the most important instructional roles of a media specialist is to help students learn how to find and use information effectively. This means equipping them with important information literacy skills. Since the state of Georgia does not explicitly require the teaching of information literacy media specialists must integrate this essential knowledge into the curriculum. The Student Instruction project designed for 7461 Instructional Design addresses how to teach a state standard and incorporate instruction for information literacy skills. 2.3 Information literacy curriculum Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Student Instruction Project Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
3.1 Connection with library community Effective media specialists know how to connect with the larger library community. They view their stakeholders not only as students and teachers but also parents, business partners, and district administrators. The Stakeholders project designed for 6466 Media Program is an example of how media specialists can connect with other libraries and the greater library community. This project shows strategies for connecting with a specific group of stakeholders within a school. Information for a wide variety of stakeholders was shared among students in the class so that students would have access to it for future reference. Being able to connect with stakeholders and the larger library community will ensure that students will have access to a variety of resources and opportunities. 3.1 Connection with library community Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Stakeholders Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
3.2 Instructional partner Media specialists are important leaders in any school. They often must collaborate with teachers, administrators, and other school personnel. Educating all stakeholders is another part of the job of a media specialist. The In-Service Modules designed for 7461 Instructional design is an example of my ability to provide and plan professional development opportunities for various stakeholders. 3.2 Instructional partner Link to Project that Reflects Standard: In-Service Modules Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Media specialists are educational leaders in their school communities. They make sure the media center serves as the hub of the school. Teachers rely on it as a resource and a place for collaborative teaching. Students view it as a safe enjoyable place to learn. Administrators know it as a place that contributes to overall student achievement. Since there are so many stakeholders that depend on a well functioning media center the media specialist must stay up on educational trends and important issues. The Position Paper on Filtering written in 6467 Technology for Media Services demonstrates the ability to research current educational trends and thoughtfully consider their implication on instruction which will influence student achievement. 3.3 Educational leader Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Position Paper on Filtering Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
4.1 Managing information resources The media center is home to a vast array of resources. The media specialist is responsible for selecting, organizing, repairing, and maintaining all of these resources. This includes the physical organization of the media center for access to these resources. The media specialist must also make sure that stakeholders are aware of resources available for use and understand how to use them. Polices and Procedures Handbook created throughout the program reflects an understanding of how to handle many of the administrative tasks of the school library media specialist. From collection development to facility management. 4.1 Managing information resources Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Policies and Procedures Handbook Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
4.2 Managing program resources As the primary manager of the school media program the media specialist is responsible for not only physical resources but also human and financial. This requires policies and procedures in place for managing a successful program. Standard procedures ensure that in the event that the media specialist is unavailable the media center will still be able to function. The Policies and Procedures Handbook created throughout the program outlines duties and responsibilities for day to day operations and shows my ability to manage a variety of program resources. 4.2 Managing program resources Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Policy and Procedures Handbook Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
4.3 Comprehensive and collaborative strategic planning and assessment Ideally assessment should inform instruction. Media specialists will use this guiding principle when collaborating with teachers in the instruction of students. They will also use it in the running of their media program. The media specialist should be reflective about how their media program functions and evaluate it annually to determine how to better meet the needs of stakeholders in the future. The Student Instruction Project created for 7461 Instructional Design shows my ability to collaborate with teachers, implement instruction with necessary assessment and evaluate instruction given. 4.3 Comprehensive and collaborative strategic planning and assessment Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Student Instruction Project Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
Evidence of College of Education Standards Decision Makers Leaders Life Long Learners Adaptive Collaborative Culturally Sensitive Emphatic Proactive Reflective
The Position Paper on Filtering written for 6467 demonstrates an understanding of the role the media specialist plays in complying with legal codes of the profession as well as preserving the right to intellectual freedom. It shows my understanding that as decision makers we have the ability to choose the materials that are available in schools we have the ability to expose children to new and different ideas or ways of life. Our ability to make decisions can have a direct impact on making transformational systemic changes that will ultimately benefit all. Decision Makers Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Position Paper Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
The Policies and Procedures Handbook demonstrates many of the leadership roles that a media specialist must adopt. It outlines managerial logistics for daily operations, decision making processes regarding materials and resources, advocacy for student rights, connecting to the larger community, and teaching to make an impact on student achievement. An educational leader is one who can positively influence school culture and can motivate all learners towards success. The Handbook outlines some of the steps that a media specialist will need to take in order to foster such an environment. Leaders Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Policies and Procedures Handbook Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
Life Long Learners Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Booktalk As a student of the print reference era I have learned that the onset of technology has greatly changed the world. Learners have access to nearly all types of print resources online now with more being added daily. As a media specialist it is important that my knowledge and skills for using online resources does not lapse but is being updated continually. It is essential for media specialist to “stay in the loop” so to speak in order to best meet the needs of their students. It is this commitment to being a lifelong learner myself that is going to make me an effective role model for the students I will teach. The Book Talk was created in the 6466 Media Program course is an excellent example of how I am like a sponge and willing to learn new things. The script is a model for a videotaped booktalk that employed the use of a flip camera. This was new technology for me and demonstrates my commitment to life long learning. Life Long Learners Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Booktalk Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
The Floor Plan designed as a requirement of the 6461 Administration course shows and understanding of how to create a learning environment that is accessible to all learners. Media specialists are adaptive in their selecting of resources and materials. They need to make sure that students have access to a wide variety. Media Specialists are also adaptive in their instruction. They must differentiate instruction on a more global level to meet the information literacy needs of students. Adaptive Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Floor Plan Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
Collaboration can contribute significantly to student achievement Collaboration can contribute significantly to student achievement. Media specialists and teachers who work together extend knowledge tremendously for students. Collaboration can occur with several stakeholders and at many different levels. It is important that a media specialist be proactive about collaborating with teachers, have a positive and be willing to collaborate. Skills I have gained regarding collaboration include connecting curriculum with information literacy skills, creating authentic learning experiences, and maintaining a current knowledge base on technology. The lesson plan component of the student instruction project demonstrates collaboration between the teacher and media specialist. Collaborative Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Student Instruction Project Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
It is important to understand the patron population serviced by a media center in order to meet their needs. For example, students with no prior knowledge of the organizational system of libraries will have great difficulty finding materials and resources needed for school assignments or pleasure. This is the case for the students who were shown the Dewey Decimal Power Point Presentation. My sensitivity regarding the particular population of stakeholders allowed me to design a presentation that would be not only appealing but also informative. Culturally Sensitive Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Dewey Decimal Power Point Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
The Policies and Procedures Handbook was compiled throughout the program and reflects several aspects of this standard. One example of empathy this project reflects is the Reconsideration Policy. This policy shows great concern for the rights of all learners. It makes sure that the intellectual freedom rights of students are protected. Empathetic Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Policies and Procedures Handbook Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
Media specialists must be knowledgeable about many different things Media specialists must be knowledgeable about many different things. They must know their collection, their patrons, and logistics of their program. An example of how to engage all three is the Media Center Orientation Power Point. This presentation familiarizes patrons with media center resources and basic operation information. This demonstrates my ability to synthesize multiple types of knowledge into a meaningful product. Knowledgeable Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Media Center Orientation Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
As a future media specialist I have learned that one of my main roles is to preserve the intellectual freedom of young people. In order to do this I commit myself to developing a diverse collection that will stimulate and challenge young readers. I am also pledging to enable students with literacy skills that will help them for the rest of their lives. As an advocate of intellectual freedom, I must uphold the reconsideration policies outlined by my Policies and Procedures Handbook to preserve students’ rights. By doing these things I am helping young people to become lifelong learners. Proactive Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Policies and Procedures Handbook Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
Book Talks are creative ways to promote reading materials and the media center. A book talk can be done in person, through video or podcast. This link is an example of a script done for a video based book talk. It is designed to hook the attention of young readers and invite them into the media center to take advantage of a particular genre. Reflective Link to Project that Reflects Standard: Booktalk Return to Table of Contents Return to Projects
Roles of the Media Specialist Like many educators media specialists wear many hats and take on many roles. Please click the arrow to see my interpretation of the roles of a media specialist. Return to Table of Contents
Conclusion As you can see the University of West Georgia has prepared me to be an engaged, effective and exemplary media specialist. Thank you for taking the time to view this electronic portfolio.