Aim: Students will be able to assess the role resistance plays in the Keller House, as observed by classroom discussion. Do now: Which of the following people would you want to tutor you in English:
Option A
Option B
Option C
A question…. Did the possible ages of the three women have a factor in who you selected? Why?
In the world Age is very important. People of some ages are thought of as not being able to do certain things as effectively as those of a different age. Youth vs. Experience
Connection to the text Is there any evidence of age being an issue in the book?
Annie Sullivan Chosen to tutor Helen Keller. 20 years old. Her age is a question of concern.
Kate and Arthur: Kate: Looks at Annie doubtfully upon seeing her (p.22) Confronts Annie about being too young about teaching Helen (p.23) Annie convinces her that she can do the job by being honest, being confident, and by presenting her age as an advantage, not disadvantage (p.24).
Kate and Arthur: Arthur: Voices his concerns with her being young -“She’s only a child” (p.27) With her being half-blind -“Do they expect one blind child to lead another?” (p.28)
Kate and Arthur: -Her being young, half-blind, and a Yankee: “Here’s a houseful of grownups can’t cope with the child, how can an inexperienced, half-blind Yankee schoolgirl manage her.” (p.28) -Kate tells him basically to zip it “Why say anything” (p.28)
Kate and Arthur: Arthur bring up his doubts again after Helen locks Annie in the room and he rescues her: “I hope this is not a sample of what we may expect from you. In the way of simplifying the work of looking after Helen.” (p.38)
How would you describe Helen? Passive? Shy? Quiet? Friendly?
Helen is: Stubborn- She only wants to do what she wants to do. Violent-Attacked Annie after she took her doll. Territorial- Her things are her things and no one is to touch them! Isolationist-Spends a lot of time by herself doing her own things.
A question to ponder…. Should Helen just be left alone? But before you answer consider this…………………
Helen’s family Family history of being strong willed (Father side) “Nonsense, the child’s a Keller, she had the constitution of a goat.” (p.1) Kate is strong willed.
Who is this woman?
Lady Gaga “Born This Way” Huge Hit song. Preaches a message of accepting who you are and not changing for anyone. Message has been embraced by millions.
Helen Keller is a….
Cancers ARE…. Emotional Sensative Moody Prone to anger
Famous Cancers: Wendy Williams Mike Tyson Bill Cosby Albert Einstein
So…… Should they try to change Helen? Why or why not?
Yes!!! Change isn’t always bad. People might be born one way, but doesn’t mean that they can’t change. Changing certain things can lead anyone to a better life.
Yes! -Astrological signs and parental DNA at most have some effect on someone, but it’s not etched in stone. -Helen is young. Who is to say that how sheis now is how she really is? Maybe her parents are part of the reason she is the way she is.
Yes! Helen needs help. -She stumbles a lot, soils herself a lot, prone to violence, mean spirited sometimes, reclusive, etc. -Parents/family won’t be around forever. -In danger of being sent to institution. -She, in minutes, spelled “Doll” so she can change!
Do you think? Annie will be able to change Helen?
Probably because…. She seems determined: “You think I’m so easily gotten rid of? You have a thing or two to learn, first. I have nothing else to do.” (p.40) “And nowhere to go” (p.40)
Homework: Read pages 41-top of page 52. (Stopping at the 2nd paragraph)
Vocabulary 1) Bureau: Dresser used to store clothes. 2) Proffered: Offered. 3) Hireling: A person who works only for money doing something unpleasant. 4) Nonplussed: A state of confusion. 5) Nincompoop: A foolish person.
Vocabulary: 6) Deferential: Respectful. 7) Contention: Point being argued. 8) Inarticulate: Speechless. 9) Flail: Move erratically or strangely. 10) Brimming: Filling to capacity.
In Conclusion…. Annie’s age is a source of contention. She meets lots of resistance. Despite the setbacks, she seems as though she will try to accomplish her goal. Will she be successful?