Senior English 9/19/16 I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision. – Eleanor Roosevelt Why did the coach flood the gym? Eupectic – having good digestion Goals – Analyze a model essay about a relationship for personal essay. Get your first attempt at the story on the computer. Homework – Complete your story first draft – on the computer – for your personal essay. Don’t forget to study for vocabulary 3 quiz Friday. She wanted to send in a sub.
Senior English 9/20/16 To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. – Elbert Hubbard Why should you be careful when it is raining cats and dogs? Farctate – full, stuffed. Goals – Analyze a sample essay for ideas. Try another free write for your own essay. Or if you did last nights homework; try to write two or three paragraphs on the significance of your experience. Homework – Essay D2 is a complete first draft with wisdom making experience and discussion of its significance. Tomorrow we will start working on writing skills. You might step on a poodle.
Senior English 9/21/16 What is so hard about peer reviews and revision? Does it help or not? Why? Why did the cucumber blush? Dispeptic – having bad digestion Goals – Work with a peer to find opportunities to add sensory detail, drama and direct quotes to you story. Discuss and do some examples of transition. Then continue on with the analysis of your story. Homework – Revise Personal Essay D2 save as Personal Essay D3. Focus on writing style in your story.
Senior English 9/22/16 What do you notice when your read an essay that is not working? How do you know when an essay holds together? Do you know any techniques for making that happen in your writing? How do you fix a broken tomato? Bromatology – A treatise or essay of food, a study of food. Goals – Get to Lab 2 and write. Work with a peer to on yesterday’s revisions. Add in key word repetition to transition within and between paragraphs. Homework – Revise Personal Essay D3. Focus on cohesion and story quality. This is your last shot at your story. Give me your D3 tomorrow at the beginning of class. Points will be assigned for getting this draft done on time. Tomato paste
Senior English 9/23/16 Five minutes to review for Vocab. # 3. Why shouldn’t you wear snow boots? Fletcherize – to chew thoroughly and specifically – 30 chews for every mouthful. Goals – Complete week 3 vocabulary study, Focus on meaningful discussion and analysis of your story for D4 revisions. Homework – Make improvements the discussion/analysis part of D3 and save as D4. We will be doing peer review on Monday. Because they will melt.