Monday, 9/25/17 AP European History – subject for the day Essay discussion Goals/activities Keep essay on your desk. Be sure name & class # is on it. Staple the rubric to the back of it, face up. Warm up activity: What made Luther so much more effective than Henry Discussion of expectations. Peer scoring – exchange with a person in your group, and use the rubric. BE RESPONSIBLE – READ CAREFULLY AND COMMENT LIBERALLY EXPLAIN TO HELP GIVE SUGGESTIONS, do not just say “good job” Homework: Fix essay, as you like.
Thesis Examples of a good thesis develop an argument, but not really repeating the question. This is NOT natural or easy. Full 10 points ONLY for thesis and opening paragraphs which create an argument which hits all parts of question, but to NOT just answer question It should also provide a clear and eloquent introduction to this era What’s a good example?
Contextualization Describes a broader historical context relevant to the prompt. The response must relate the topic of the prompt to broader historical events, developments, or processes that occur before, during, and/or continue after the time frame of the question. CANNOT BE JUST A PHRASE OR REFERENCE.
Evidence Provides specific examples of evidence relevant to the topic of the prompt; includes and focuses on most relevant examples Uses evidence to clearly support argument. Evidence is explained deeply, fitting into a larger picture; demonstrated clear understanding of importance of evidence.
Analysis Uses historical reasoning (comparison, causation, Change over time) to frame or structure an argument that addresses the prompt Demonstrates a complex understanding of historical development. Argument was clearly proven, eloquently discussed, and discussion remained deep and never superficial.
Tuesday, 9/26/17 AP European History – subject for the day Tudors Goals/activities Collect essays. Take a new rubric. Staple it as last page, and LEAVE YOUR ESSAY ON YOUR DESK. I’ll collect. Warm up activity: Why will Henry’s decision only create temporary stability, will not fully solve the problem he’s trying to solve, and will create division rather than unity? 3. PPT on Tudors Homework: Read/Notes Lesson #7 – Politics of Religion and Catholic Counter Reformation (419-422, 425-427, 428-433)
Wednesday, 9/27/17 AP European History – subject for the day Lesson #7 – Politics & Counter Ref. Goals/activities Homework Check (Lesson #7) Go over both sides of chart from last week for correctness Warm up activity: Look at the Lutheran propaganda (next slides). What is the message? Why did Luther think these platforms would provide effective delivery of this message? What appears to be his goal? Provide evidence to prove your point. Considering the map, is his goal being realized? Provide evidence. PPT on Lesson #7 - Politics of Religion and Catholic Counter Reformation Get your Renaissance Luncheon character Homework: Read/Notes Lesson #8 (433-437) - Wars of Religion & Rel Violence Quiz Friday on the 28 people coming to party.
Another Hymn by Luther, 1527 A Mighty Fortress is our God A mighty fortress is our God, a sword and shield victorious. He breaks the cruel oppressor’s rod, and winds salvation glorious. Though hordes of devils fill the land, all threatening to devour us. We tremble unmoved we stand, they cannot overpower us, Let this world’s tyrant rage, in battle we will engage. His might is doomed to fail; God’s judgement must prevail. One little word subdues him.
A hymn, by Luther 1541 Steadfast in Thy Word (Originally to include words: “A Children’s Hymn, to be Sung Against the Two Archenemies of Christ and His Holy Church, the Pope and Turk.”) Written when Ottomans were about to sack Vienna, and Charles V was hitting hard against Lutherans Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word; Curb those who by deceit or sword Would wrest the kingdom from Your Son And bring to naught all He has done. There was a different version that SO irritated Catholics, that it was changed… Lord, keep us in thy Word and work, Restrain the murderous Pope and Turk, Who seek to topple from thy throne Christ Jesus, thy beloved Son.
Renaissance Luncheon rules 20 point day If have options: bring in food from your guy’s country, or write up a one page biography, worth 10 points. If you choose food, it should be prepared for four people, but cut into (or servable to) 30 parts. Bring ALL needed serving spoons I’ll have a microwave for heating Good idea to NOT have to refrigerate You’ll be filling out a sheet, worth 10 points You’ll be mingling about, selling yourself as a good friend to have for about 10 min. After about 15 min., you’ll rejoin your group, and your group will choose three friends who will be harmonious, and not irritating. This will come with directions on Friday. It’ll be called RENAISANCE SURVIVOR.
Thursday, 9/28/17 AP Euro History – subject for the day Lesson #8 – Religious Violence Goals/activities Homework Check (Lesson #8) Warm up activity: Analyze two features of European leisure activities, based on Breughel's The Fair on St. George’s Day (1560). (SA-G1b, 381) <<next slides>> PPT on Lesson #8 Homework: Prep for quiz; questions on any of the 28 names on spreadsheet. Prepare for luncheon – have HALF of that sheet filled out Tomorrow-if you bring in food, label with your name & class. NOT a good idea to have food that needs refrigeration. BE SURE TO PREPARE IT READY AS FINGER FOOD, slice up ahead of time, & bring all serving utensils. If it needs microwave, I have that. Have it ready. Verify there are no allergies
G1a - Notice: The celebration of the common man, doing common things There’s nothing religious Natural behavior Non-elite Realistic, and slightly perspective Describe the typical subject of Breughel's work. Show how this is a change from Medieval and High Renaissance works of art
G1b - Notice: Leisure Activities are communal Very participatory Seem busy Still tied to Church calendar, but Closely tied to harvests Seem like all types of people Common man doing wild things Analyze two features of European leisure activities, based on Breughel's style of painting. Use this work as your prompt.
Renaissance wrap-up 12m Reformation 11m Renaissance 5m
Friday, 9/29/17 AP European History – subject for the day Renaissance Luncheon. Goals/activities Quiz for first five minutes (in place of warm up) Take your food to your desk, or put biography on desk. If you have Fill in handout during luncheon. Then… consider you and your group members are new in town. You have room for three more friends… but they should be compatible and “handy” for you – useful, and not irritating. Your group must then choose the three guys you’d keep as the most useful to your as your new friends. Homework: Prep for test