IEEE 802.11 Input for the Regulatory SC Mission Statement April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 November 2015 IEEE 802.11 Input for the Regulatory SC Mission Statement Date: 2015-11-11 Authors: Rich Kennedy, MediaTek Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion
April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 November 2015 Abstract This presentation is the IEEE 802.11/15 Regulatory SC input to the EC Regulatory mission statement. Rich Kennedy, MediaTek Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion
Outline from the EC Draft 802 LMSC regulatory mission: November 2015 Outline from the EC Draft 802 LMSC regulatory mission: 1) respond to regulatory body requests 1.1) develop common 802 positions where possible 1.2) accommodate differences among 802 working groups 1.3) rapid response capability to ensure deadlines are met 2) be proactive 2.1) develop and publish positions based on the 802 communities needs Rich Kennedy, MediaTek
Problem Statement November 2015 Working with regulators must be both strategic and tactical The strategic requires both working on the development of recommendations in ITU and providing regulators with technology roadmaps to guide them in the development of their proposed changes The tactical involves keeping track of pending regulatory changes and responding in a timely manner Regulators consider the SDOs to be the experts, and prefer guidance from them over that from industry associations Regulators want the industry to collaborate and achieve consensus, and bring a united view The current leadership, structure and man-hours invested by IEEE 802 are insufficient to do a proper job The most critical regulatory decisions are happening now; waiting or delay is no longer an option Rich Kennedy, MediaTek
Mission Statement for Regulatory Change November 2015 Mission Statement for Regulatory Change Represent IEEE 802 as the leader in wireless access networking development Provide regulators with roadmap and rationale for new standards work Respond to all relevant regulatory proceedings Develop a relationship with regulators that encourages dialogs, both formal and informal Represent the best interests of every IEEE 802 wireless WG to regulators Internal compromises only when the best interests of each WG involved are not muted IEEE 802 positions should present multiple positions when necessary, the regulators should do the accommodation Rapid response to proceedings is critical Approval process must incorporate an expedited response capability Meeting schedules must have greater flexibility SC votes must be allowed in teleconferences Improve collaboration and coordination with appropriate Industry Organizations Rich Kennedy, MediaTek
November 2015 802.11 WG Motion Approve document 11-15-1433-01-0reg-regulatory-sc-mission-statement-from-802-11 as the 802.11 WG as their input to the EC discussion on a regulatory mission statement. Moved by Rich Kennedy on behalf of the Regulatory SC Seconded by: Discussion? Vote: Y N A Rich Kennedy, MediaTek