Overview New Teacher Induction Program Malden Public Schools Judi Allen, Coordinator Teacher Induction/Mentoring August 22, 2016
Malden Public Schools Mission Statement “The Malden Public Schools, in partnership with the Gateway Cities initiatives, prepares students to be independent and avid learners who will discover and develop their individual talents while striving for academic excellence. Malden Public School students will demonstrate personal and social responsibility, embrace diversity, and respect others. Malden Public Schools prepares students to be active and contributing members of our global society.”
Our Mission
Goals of the Program Acclimate new teachers to school, district, community Support new teachers over a period of 3 years Promote and model best practices that will ensure access to high levels of learning for all students Create a community of learners who share best practices and encourage self-reflection Retain skilled and committed educators in our schools and in the profession Meets criteria for DESE New Teacher Induction Program
New Teachers’ Ongoing PD Monthly professional development Inquiry-based environment Connected to YOUR classroom practice Professional learning community Lesson Study Full-Day release time in October Communication: MPS New Teachers 16-17 Resources & Tools: New Teacher’s Program - MPS
Expectations for Professional Development Have a growth mindset Attend all sessions Actively participate Complete all readings, observations, reflections Reflect on your practice and apply what you have learned to future lessons Socialize and have some fun
Mentor Support 1-1 Pairing Program Introduce new teacher/incoming teacher to other faculty members Help construct effective lesson plans Model effective instructional techniques Assist the new teacher in solving classroom problems Arrange for classroom observations Identify and provide curriculum and technology resources Offer incredible emotional and social support
Support Team Mentor Principal Director Evaluator Curriculum Leader Evaluation Leader Assistant Principal Team Leader Coach/Teacher Leader
Additional Support Colleagues, Central Office Administration, Union On-going district and building professional development Additional Training on MPS network and X-2 Evaluation support (TeachPoint) Opportunities for continued collaboration Reflective Culture MA DESE: Educator Evaluation/Resources
You’re anxious now but… it will get better! New Teachers’ Program Evaluation 2015
We are here to support you in every way