Etymologies and Affixes Vocab Packet 3 Etymologies and Affixes
Gnos Root Means To Know Latin/Greek Examples: gnostic, diagnose, prognosis, agnostic
Grat Root Means thankful/pleasing Latin Examples: gratitude, congratulations, gratuitous
Hyper Prefix Greek Means over, beyond, overmuch, above measure Examples: hyperactive, hyperbole, hyperglycemia
In/Im/Il/Ir Prefix Means NOT Latin/ Greek Examples: inexplicable, immoral, illegal, irregular
Infra/Infer Prefix Latin Means below, underneath Ex. Inferior, infrared, infrastructure
Inter Prefix Latin Means among, between Examples: interstate, interfere, internal, internet
Intra Prefix Latin Means on the inside/ within Examples: intravenous, intramural, intrinsic
Ise/Ize suffix French Verb ending- to do something Examples: criticize, customize, exercise
Ity Suffix Latin Condition or quality of being ___________ Examples: captivity, charity, celebrity
Ive Suffix Latin Adjective ending meaning pertaining to Examples: abusive, alternative, possessive
IDIOMS Phrases that should not be taken literally.
Pay the Piper to face the results of one's actions; to receive punishment for something. You can put off paying your debts only so long. Eventually you'll have to pay the piper. You can't get away with that forever. You'll have to pay the piper someday.
Let sleeping dogs lie to not talk about things which have caused problems in the past, or to not try to change a situation because you might cause problems His parents never referred to the shoplifting incident again. I suppose they thought it best to let sleeping dogs lie. It wasn't that we didn't want to improve the school - it was more a case of letting sleeping dogs lie.
Keep your nose to the grindstone to work hard and constantly. Son: I'll never get good grades. I might as well not even study. Mother: Don't give up yet. I'm sure that if you just keep your nose to the grindstone, you'll get the results you want. Mary kept her nose to the grindstone while her friends were out enjoying themselves.
Jump the gun to do something too soon, especially without thinking carefully about it He shouted at me before I had time to explain, but later he apologised for jumping the gun.
Don’t count your chickens until they hatch something that you say in order to warn someone to wait until a good thing they are expecting has really happened before they make any plans about it You might be able to get a loan from the bank, but don't count your chickens.