Sunday Morning Introduction and Background Class #10 The Twelve Apostles
“Apostle” – One Sent Forth “The Twelve Apostles” – A select group of Jesus’ disciples ; his inner circle
Phases in their Calling Conversion – John 1:35-51. They became convinced that Jesus was the Messiah and spent time with Him. Ministry – Matt. 4:18-22, 9:9. They left all to follow Jesus full time and be trained by Him as special disciples. Internship – Mark 6:7-13. Sent out (apostello) in pairs on a limited mission. Final Sending – Matt. 28:16-20. Sent out into all the world.
Listings of the 12 Apostles Matthew 10 Peter Andrew James John Philip Bartholomew Thomas Matthew Thaddaeus Simon Judas Mk. 3 P Ja Jo A B M T J S JI Lk. 6 P A Ja Jo B M T J S Ju JI Acts 1 P Jo Ja A T B M J S Ju
Simon Peter Introduced to Jesus by his brother, Andrew - Jn 1:40-41 Given the name Cephas (Peter) by Jesus - Jn 1:42 A fisherman, called to follow Jesus along with Andrew - Mt 4:18-20 Known for being impulsive Known for his failures Eventually lived up to the meaning of his given name (a rock)
Andrew A disciple of John the Baptist, he was one of the first two to follow Jesus - Jn 1:35-40 He led his brother Simon (Peter) to Jesus - Jn 1:41-42 “We have found the Messiah” A fisherman, called to follow Jesus - Mt 4:18-20 Brought boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish to Jesus – Jn 6:8-9 He introduced some Greeks to Jesus - Jn 12:20-22 Humble; brought others
James the Son of Zebedee Older brother of John - Mt 10:2 A fisherman, called to follow Jesus with John - Mt 4:21-22 Perhaps because of fiery temperament (Lk 9:52-54), he and John were called "Sons of Thunder” by Jesus - Mk 3:17 Part of “inner circle” (P, J, &J) While seeking glory, they were promised suffering - Mk 10:35-40 James was the first apostle to be killed - Ac 12:1-2
John Called along with his brother, James - Mt 4:21-22 Along with brother and father, they were fishing partners with Peter - Lk 5:10 Part of “inner circle” (P, J, &J) Like his brother, he appeared quick to judge others - Lk 9:49,54 But, he became "the beloved disciple whom Jesus loved“ John’s writings stress love & bearing witness to the truth
Philip Called by Jesus, the day after Peter & Andrew - Jn 1:43 From Bethsaida, home of Peter and Andrew - Jn 1:44 He led Nathanael to Jesus - Jn 1:45-46: “Come and see.” Jesus spoke to him about bread for the 5000 – Jn. 6:5-7 Greeks wanting to see Jesus went to Philip 1st - Jn 12:21 He was the one who asked Jesus, "Show us the Father" - Jn 14:8-9
Bartholomew (Nathanael) Bartholomew – son of Tolmai Considered to be Nathanael, because Bartholomew is connected to Philip in the lists of the apostles in Mt 10, Mk 3, Lk 6, but Nathanael only mentioned in John. He was introduced to Jesus by Philip - Jn 1:45-46 Was praised by Jesus as having no guile - Jn 1:47-51 Lived in Cana; saw Jesus after the resurrection – Jn 21
Thomas He was also called The Twin (Didymus) - Jn 20:24 Said “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” – Jn 14:5 At one point he was willing to die for Jesus - Jn 11:16 After the resurrection, he required physical proof before he would believe that Jesus was alive - Jn 20:24-25 A week later, evidence was provided - Jn 20:26-28
Matthew (Levi) Also known as Levi - Mt 9:9; Mk 2:14; Lk 5:27 Called the son of Alphaeus, leading some to think he was related to James the son of Alphaeus - Mk 2:14; 3:18 Called to follow Jesus from his tax office, and later gave a feast at his home in honor of Jesus - Mt 9:9-13 As a tax collector, would have been seen as a Roman sympathizer.
James the Son of Alphaeus He may be "James the Less", son of Mary (who witnessed Jesus' death, sought to prepare Him for burial, and found the tomb empty) - Mk 15:40-16:8 Other than in the lists of apostles, he is not mentioned elsewhere in Scripture
Thaddaeus Evidently the same as "Judas, not Iscariot" (Jn 14:22) who asked Jesus – “Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world?” Same as "Judas, brother of James" - Lk 6:16; Ac 1:13 He is not mentioned elsewhere in Scripture besides the lists in Mt 10 and Mk 3
Simon the Zealot Also called "the Zealot" - Lk 6:15; Ac 1:13 As such, he had been a member of a radical party seeking to destroy Roman rule (and was hostile to tax collectors) Likely partnered with Judas when sent out as pairs
Judas Iscariot Iscariot means “man of Kerioth” (near Hebron) Criticized annointment of Jesus by Mary A “thief” who kept the money box At last supper, Jesus dipped the morsel, and gave it to Judas – Jn 13:26 Betrayed Jesus and later hanged himself - Mt 26:14-16,47-50; 27:3-10 “Became a traitor” – Lk 6:16
The Work of the Apostles Witnesses for the resurrection Teachers for the other disciples The foundation for the church
Lessons from the Apostles Like Peter, we lack faith. Like Andrew, we have much to learn (5000). Like James and John, we are selfish sometimes. Like Matthew and Simon, we have a past. Like Thomas, we doubt sometimes. But, with Jesus’ help, they did great things; so can we They dedicated selves; even gave their lives; so should we