The Real Question Without Fault What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 The Real Question Without Fault
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 The Real Question Pilate’s response to Jesus’ statement about truth makes him a modern man. Pilate is the disillusioned voice of our own culture and viewpoint of man. Truth, in the ultimate sense, may be unknowable. Truth is no longer the object of our inquiries.
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 The Real Question Pilate’s disillusioned viewpoint came from the Greek philosophers like Plato. Plato said that we know “things” because we observe them. Real knowledge goes beyond these “things” to a greater, general concept that gives them meaning. They sought to find that universal meaning.
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 The Real Question Where do our ideals come from? Some would answer from the human mind. But where then does the idea of the mind or even mankind come from? Where do absolutes come from in the areas that man disagrees on? Some Greeks would say the gods. But even the gods could not agree.
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 The Real Question The Greeks found this universal truth to be necessary but unattainable and not able to be known surely. Plato’s conclusion to this matter, “It may be that some day there will come forth from God a Word, a Logos, who will reveal all mysteries and make everything plain.”
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 The Real Question The Greeks could not find the overriding universal truth that explained all meaning nor the ability to even know it. So, Greek philosophy descended into three major cynical belief systems. “Grin and bear it” Stoics “If it feels good do it” Epicureans “Leap of faith” Mystery religions
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 The Real Question Hegel proposes an answer (which is really not an answer) that becomes Relativism! Hegel’s proposition is that truth is always changing in the flow of world history. You start with a truth (thesis) which produces an antithesis. These opposites produce a synthesis which becomes a new thesis which produces its own antithesis.
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 The Real Question In this system all truth becomes relative! Truth is no longer objective but subjective! Truth depends on who you are asking! Truth depends on what culture you are in! Truth depends on what period you live in! What is true today may not have been true 10 years ago and may not be true 10 years from now! Something may be true for me and not for you!
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 The Real Question Jesus is the only answer to this overriding, universal meaning to truth. Jesus Himself is “the truth” – John 14:6. Jesus called the HS “spirit of truth” – John 14:17. Jesus called the Bible “truth” – John 17:17. There is a need to worship “in truth” – John 4:23. Jesus says we are to “do” the truth – John 3:21. The character and nature of Jesus is “truth.”
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 The Real Question Jesus further defines this truth in His statement found in verse 37. There is truth and it is an entity! This truth is objective! In the area of scientific truth In the area of religious truth Truth must come from above! The truth that comes from God has been embodied in the person of Jesus Christ!
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 Without Fault Pilate declares Jesus innocent three times. At the end of the official Roman trial – John 18:38 After Jesus was sent to Herod and then received back – John 19:4 After having Jesus flogged in hopes of the death sentence being dropped – John 19:6
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 Without Fault The universal verdict of innocence God the Father declared Jesus innocent at His baptism (Matthew 3:17) and transfiguration (Matthew 17:5). His disciples used terms like “the righteous” (1 John 2:1), “Holy One” (Acts 2:27), “Righteous One” (Acts 3:14), “without blemish or defect” (1 Peter 1:19). Jewish leaders charged Him with blasphemy. Judas returned silver and regretted (Matt. 27:4).
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 Without Fault The sinless Jesus becomes the substitution for our sin on our behalf. Jesus qualifies as the paschal lamb. His death becomes the satisfaction before a Holy God for our sin. Jesus becomes the once for all sacrifice for you and for me.
What Is Truth? John 18:37-38 Application Are you living in the truth and following it with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? Have you trusted in the perfect, sinless Jesus for your salvation?