Presented by your 6th grade Language Arts Teachers Want to SUCCEED in middle school? Pay attention and we’ll tell you how! Presented by your 6th grade Language Arts Teachers
What you need to succeed Study Skills Goal Setting Organization Time Management Test Taking Tips Note Taking Planning Classroom Performance Reading
Setting Goals Study Skills… What grades do you want to EARN in your classes? What are your short term and long term goals? What do YOU need to do to accomplish those goals?
Planning Study Skills... Before you start, plan ahead. Use lists. Keep track of what you need to accomplish. Develop a plan and follow through! Determine what you will need before starting. Prioritize your work. What needs to be done first? What will take the most time? What is it worth?
Plan Your Work & Work Your Plan
Organization Study Skills… Keep locker and binder neat. Use your planner to keep track of assignments, projects, and papers. Check Angel and Focus REGULARLY. It’s YOUR responsibility to know what’s missing and what needs to be completed!
Environment Study Skills... Set up a study area. Be comfortable. Keep distractions away. Clear off study area. NO texts or phone calls during study time. Turn off the radio/T.V./computer. Keep supplies close at hand.
Homework Tips Study Skills… Do the “worst” first. Break up tasks. Separate assignments for variety. Break big projects into smaller parts. Use memorization techniques. Study early and test yourself later. Record your voice and play it back. Take breaks and reward yourself.
Reading Effectively Study Skills… Skim the chapter before reading. Read words in bold. Read highlighted vocabulary for understanding. Read headings of paragraphs. Read questions at the end of the chapter. Know what the question is asking. Read all the answer choices carefully. Always check back in the text.
Time Management Study Skills… Use class time effectively. Set up a consistent study time every day. Get into a routine. Chart your time.
Active Listening Classroom Success... Keep alert and active during lectures! What is being said? What is important? What is the major theme of the discussion? Ask questions. Pay attention to peers’ questions and comments. Answer the following questions: Who? What ? When? Where? Why ? How? If the teacher writes it down, it’s important! Write it down!
4 A’s Attendance Classroom Success … Be in school everyday. If not, a vicious cycle begins . . . You miss important information. Homework is missed. Grades drop. You have to work harder to catch up.
4 A’s Attitude Classroom Success … First impressions count! Treat others with respect and kindness! Verbal and nonverbal language – both show others your attitude.
4 A’s Attention Classroom Success … Take notes and ask questions. Get involved in class discussions. Recognize important information. Listen to the opinions of others. NEVER SLEEP IN CLASS!
4 A’s Assignments Classroom Success … Complete homework to the best of your ability. Talk to teacher before class if you have problems. Do homework on time. Prepare for class. Read the assigned material. Review homework.
If you miss school…. If you know you are going to be out: Let your teachers know ahead of time. Check Angel for your assignments. If you miss school because of illness: Make sure you let your teachers know you were sick. Get homework/classwork assignments you missed. Don’t expect everything to stop because you aren’t there!
Becoming successful doesn’t happen when you’re all grown up and out in the workforce; becoming successful is a process that starts EARLY in life and continues FOREVER. Dr. Robert Orndorff
Learning Styles Students learn in many ways, but for most students, one method stands out. Why is this important? **Research shows that students can perform better on tests if they change study habits to fit their own personal learning styles.
Learning Styles Visual Learners: Think in terms of pictures. They prefer to see things written down, on the whiteboard or in a handout. Good Tools for Visual Learners Graphs - Charts - Maps
Learning Styles Auditory Learners: Learn best by listening. They typically like to learn through lectures, discussions, and reading aloud. They remember best through hearing and saying items aloud. Good Tools for Auditory Learners Group Discussions - Watching Videos - Repeating facts with eyes closed.
Learning Styles Kinesthetic Learners Learn best through touching, feeling, and experiencing that which they are trying to learn. They remember best by writing or physically manipulating the information. Good Tools for Kinesthetic Learners Hands-on Experiences - Role playing - Varied movement
So, it’s up to you whether or not you succeed this year . . . Take ownership of your learning and watch where you go!