Chapter 1
The Theory and Practice of Greener Meetings and Events Chapter 1 The Theory and Practice of Greener Meetings and Events
Learning Objectives Chapter 1 Why sustainability is at the forefront of the meeting and event industry’s future How greener meetings and events have emerged historically The meaning and significance of sustainable development How ecotourism informs and influences greener meetings and events
Learning Objectives Chapter 1 How corporate social responsibility (CSR) and outgreening increasingly motivate modern business How innovation, conservation, and education define greener meetings and events How emerging forces and trends in the conventions, hospitality, tourism, conference, and event industries are driving greener meetings and events
Opening Activity Group Discussion: What does it mean to be “green”? Chapter 1 Group Discussion: What does it mean to be “green”?
Opening Activity Chapter 1 “Green” can mean a lot of things. We will look at these aspects: Transportation Waste management Energy and water Food and decoration Social responsibility
A Theory Sustainable events produce superior experiences. Chapter 1 Attendees at Coachella relax under the giant solar panels that will provide the energy to light the Ascension sculpture later that night. Courtesy of Coachella.
Ascension at Coachella Chapter 1 This low-energy art installation at Coachella music festival is solar powered. Courtesy of Coachella.
Sustainable Development Chapter 1 “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (Brundtland report 1987, ch. 2).
Ecotourism Chapter 1 “A sustainable, non-invasive form of nature-based tourism that focuses primarily on learning about nature first-hand, and which is ethically managed to be low-impact, non-consumptive, and locally oriented.” (Fennell 2007, p. 24).
Fair Trade Better prices (prices that do not fall below market price) Chapter 1 Better prices (prices that do not fall below market price) Decent working conditions Local sustainability Fair terms of trade between farmers and workers that don’t discriminate against the poorest, weakest producers (
Corporate Social Responsibility Chapter 1 Business practices that are Ethical Charitable Responsible
Outgreening Chapter 1 Using environmental strategies to gain a competitive advantage Beat the competition!
Innovation, Conservation, Education Chapter 1
Emerging Forces and Trends Chapter 1 Sector Forces Trends Conventions and exhibitions Industry recognizes demand and opportunities for sustainable practices. Major associations are formed. Hospitality Hotels show increased attention to reducing waste. Individual chains outgreen the competition. Industry associations advocate for greener hotels. Incentive travel Negative environmental impacts of travel, including carbon debt of air travel, factor into some travel decisions. Ecotourism becomes more prominent. There is increased demand for greener, more ecotouristic incentive travel events. Meetings and events Clients demand ethical and environmental events. Industry recognizes opportunities of greener events. Outstanding greener events gain public eye. Certifications and standards emerge. All sectors There is increased awareness of global warming and climate change. Public becomes more interested in green business strategies. Global recession beginning in 2008 affects events industry. Increased demand for greener events. Opportunities emerge for early adopters. Emerging associations, certifications, and industrial standards gain more prominence.
Emerging Standards Chapter 1 BS 8901 US Green Meetings Standard
Green is the New Black! Chapter 1 Old Trends New Trends Luxury ➔ Responsibility Extravagant events Ethical events Very important person (VIP) Environmentally friendly practice (EFP) Black tie Vintage tie Red carpet Recycled carpet Elaborate invitations Recycled paper or e-vites Caviar and lobster Sustainably harvested seafood Expensive giveaways Charitable giveaways such as carbon offsets
IMEX IMEX 2010 Green Initiatives Chapter 1 IMEX 2010 Green Initiatives The badge lanyards will be made from plant silk, an organic material manufactured from the waste stems of grain crops. Recycled and recyclable paper badges coated in corn-starch laminate. Recycled and recyclable luggage tags coated in corn-starch laminate.
IMEX IMEX 2010 Green Initiatives An anti-idling policy for IMEX buses. Chapter 1 IMEX 2010 Green Initiatives An anti-idling policy for IMEX buses. The use of biodiesel buses for 20 percent of the hosted buyer transfers. Reusable, recyclable polypropylene visitor bags and jute bags for Association Day. Encouraging hosted buyers to travel by train where possible.
Lightning Round Sustainable development Ecotourism Fair trade Chapter 1 Sustainable development Ecotourism Fair trade Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Outgreening Incentive travel Greener meetings and events
Homework Chapter 1 Bring in a recent news article about an environmental issue from a major newspaper. How could this issue affect meetings and events?