Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children DR. MOHAMMAD SAQUIB MALLICK, FRCS Consultant Pediatric Surgeon King Fahad Medical City Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Common Problems: Inguinal hernias Hydrocele Umbilical hernia. Undescended testis Acute Scrotum Foreign body aspiration Abdominal pain Pyloric Stenosis. Malrotation (midgutvolvulus)
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Inguino-scrotal Swelling: Inguinal hernia Hydrocele Undescended testes Acute scrotum
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children 3 years old boy presented with the complain of bilateral inguino-scrotal swelling which comes and goes. Inguinal hernia Hydrocele
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Clinical History Intermittent groin swelling Asymptomatic until incarcerated In girls, lump in upper part of labia majora Examination Can reach above the swelling Cough impulse Reducibility
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Herniotomy WHEN ? Age is not a contraindicated for operation
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Inguinal hernia 1-5% 9:1 male/female 99% indirect More in premature (up to 35%) More in right side Congenital in origin
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Hydrocele Clinical History Scrotal swelling May be scroto-inguinal Asymptomatic Examination Get above the swelling Not Reducible transilluminates
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Conservative up to the age of 2 years. Surgery (Ligation of PPV) Hydrocele in older children Trauma Inflammation Tumors
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children A 6 month old boy presented to your clinic with irritability, crying, vomiting, and painful swelling in right inguinal area. On examination: 4 by 3 cm tender, nonreducible inguinal swelling, both testes are in scrotum.No other abnormalities detected.
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Incarcerated (irreducible) inguinal hernia Management: Sedation and analgesia Reduction Admission and Herniotomy after24 to 48 hours
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Umbilical Hernia: Failure of closure of the fascial ring through which the umbilical cord protrudes. Male = female Mostly symptom free. More common in Dawn syndrome. Congenital Hypothyrodism Mucopolysaccharidoses
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Diagnosis: Clinical (reducible umbilical swelling) defect at umbilicus Management: Observation. most UH closes by the age 2 to 3 years. Umbilical strapping with a coin or pledget over the hernia has no role in management. Indications for Surgery: Hernia persist beyond the age of 5 years. Defect more than 2.5cm. Incarcerated Umbilical Hernia.
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children A child with empty scrotum
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Undescended testes: Definitions: True Undescended Testes Ectopic Retractile Incidence: At birth 3-4% At one year 1% Pre-term 30%
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Parents/Doctors Clinical features Empty scrotum Palpable Milk it down to scrotum Yes No
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Impalpable Undescended Testis Intraabdominal Testis Agenesis Investigations: Ultrasound ?
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Retractile Testis: Observation Palpable UDT: orchidopexy at the age of one year. Impalpable UDT: laparoscopy (Diagnostic &Therapeutic) Best age for Orchidopexy: 1 to 2 years
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children A Child with Red, painful and Swollen Scrotum
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children D/D Testicular Torsion Torsion of testicular appendages Epididymo-orchitis Idiopathic scrotal edema Other conditions e.g. incarcerated hernia, acute hydrocele, HSP, truma
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Testicular Torsion: Incidence: 1:4000 Common in peripubertal and perinatal Symtoms: Initially, it may be lower abdominal pain and vomiting Later localized to one side of scrotum Swollen, red scrotum Signs: Tender Cremasteric reflux absent Lies higher than contalateral tesis Horizantal in position
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Investigations: Colour Doppler US Radionuclide Scan Management: Timing is critical 4-6 hrs Exploration if any doubt Untwist anticlockwise “Putting the clock back” if it viable Fix the other side If more than 10 hrs, it is likely to be non-viable, needs orchidectomy.
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children ACUTE ABDOMEN IN CHILDREN Surgical Causes: Acute appendicitis Intussusception Meckel’s diverticulitis Twisted ovarian cyst
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Primary peritonitis (rare) Malrotation of midgut (rare) Acute Cholecystitis (rare) Acute pancreatitis (rare
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Medical Causes: Acute Non-specific abdominal pain (NSAP) 30-50% (Mesenteric Adenitis) Gastroenteritis Constipation Genito-urinary infection Pelvic inflammatory disease Pneumonia Measles Sickle cell crisis Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in children 7 months old boy presented to your clinic with the history of intermittent crying since 12 hours. He had bilious vomings and has passed bloody mucoid stool twice. On examination,he is mildly dehydrated with palpable mass in right site of abdomen. Intussusception Ref. to paediatric emergency
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Intussusception Incidence: 1.5-4/1000 live births Sex: male predominance Peak Age: 6-9 months Pathogenesis: * invagination of intestine * mesentery with it * venous obs - arterial obs
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Site: commonly - ileo-colic less commonly - ileo-ileal colo-colic Aetiology: unknown?? 95% Adenovirus or Rotavirus (Marked lymphoid tissue in ileum may act as leading point) It may be associated with upper respiratory tract infection or gastroenteritis
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children leading points: e.g. Meckel’s diverticulum Polyps Intestinal duplication Lymphomas Henoch’s purpura Haemangiomas
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children History Pain - colic every 10-15 minutes healthy, screaming suddenly pulls the legs up Stool - red mucoid, bleeding PR Vomiting - bilious History of viral gastroenteritis or URTI
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Examination; Vital sign - stable initially dehydration, tachycardia, temperature, Abdomen - sausage shaped mass bowel sounds increased PR - blood stained stool
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Investigations AXR supine and erect USG target lesion pseudo kidney sign Contrast enema coiled spring sign
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Nasogastric tube Intravenous fluid therapy Antibiotics - confirmed diagnosis - >24 hour history Blood Work-up - CBC -electrolytes - cross-matching
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Child - stable and no peritonitis treatment - hydrostatic reduction with barium/air enema Child - shock or peritonitis or perforation treatment - laparotomy
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children 4 month old child with the history sudden onset of bilious vomiting. Perfectly well before the start of vomiting. On examination: Stable vital signs, ? Upper Abdomen mildly tender but not distended. DIAGNOSIS
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children MALROTATION (MID GUT VALVULUS ) Immediate referral to paed. emergency
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children 7 weeks old child presented with non-bilious vomiting since 2 days. no other symptoms . On examination; dehydrated, tachycardic Abdomen: soft, lax, ? Small olive shaped mass palpable in RHG. Diagnosis: PYLORIC STENOSIS
How will you confirm your diagnosis? Ultrasound U&E & ABGS Hypokalemic ,hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis. Management: Correction of dehydration first than Pyloromyotomy
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children ***Cautions*** Bilious vomiting Intestinal Obstruction proven otherwise
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Gastrointestinal bleeding in children Causes: Newborn 1 month to 1 year 1-2 year More than 2 year Upper GI tract Swallowed maternal blood, Hemorrhagic disease Esophagitis, Gastritis Peptic ulcer disease, Varices Lower GI tract Anal fissure NEC Intussusceptions Polyps, Meckel’s Diverticulum Polyps Inflammatory bowel disease
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children 5 year old child came to your clinic with the history of choking crisis while eating a fusfus yesterday for your advise. What will you do? Ref. to paediatric surgery or ENT for Bronchoscopy to exclude foreign body aspiration
Diagnosis and Management of Common Surgical Problems in Children Diagnosis of Foreign Body Aspiration; History of choking crisis. Clinical triads: cough, wheezing, decreased breath sound. X-ray : may be normal or will show air trapping or foreign body