Learning Assistance Department Student Learning Outcomes LERN 50 College Success Course A three unit course that meets CSU Area E and CCSF Area A requirements
SLO Results Assessment LERN 50: College Success SLO Process SLO Flowchart SLO Survey SLO Survey Results Implications for instruction
SLO Process LERN 50: College Success
LERN 50 Assessment Flow Chart Faculty Assess Own Course Faculty assesses and determines learning outcomes for individual course curriculum. Guiding questions What are your learning objectives for your course? How do you assess that your students are learning those objectives? What is your teaching pedagogy? What do you think are the most important learning objectives for your course? Faculty meet and Talk Faculty come together to discuss the outcome of their individual assessments Guiding Questions What are the similarities in our teaching pedagogy and learning objectives? What are the differences in our teaching pedagogy and learning objectives? Compare Actual Practices to Official Course Outline How do your learning objectives compare to the learning objective of the official course outline? How do you need to modify your individual learning objectives? Do we need to modify our official course outline? How does your teaching pedagogy need to change to better accomplish your learning objectives?
LERN 50 Assessment Flow Chart Continued Develop and Use Online Student Survey Each Spring semester, students who received an A, B or C in LERN 50 are sent an email with link to the online survey. The survey asks questions regarding which skills learned in LRRN 50 during the Fall semester are being used in courses the following spring semester. Assess Results from Online Survey Results are tabulated by the Office of Research and Planning Results are combined with previous semesters for a larger sample Impact and Next Steps: Change Course as a result of the Survey Develop assessment rubric to view changes that result from survey.
LERN 50 Survey 1.Use a time management tool such as a planner or calendar. 2.Apply information about your learning style to study. 3.Develop and evaluate short-term and long-term goals. 4.Have contact with your instructors outside of class such as email, phone, or office hours. 5.Participate in study groups. 6.Apply memory strategies to your learning. 7.Use the lecture note-taking techniques such as Cornell Method or mind mapping. 8.Use the SQ3R, PQ3R or Muscle reading to reading your textbook. 9.Create and use study cards.
LERN 50 Survey Continued 10.Participate in class discussions. 11.Apply subject (math, science, etc.) specific study techniques. 12.Use test-taking strategies to perform better on tests. 13.Apply techniques to reduce test-anxiety. 14.Use library to assist in research. 15.Access student services such as academic/career counseling and health center. 16.Use tutoring in the Learning Assistance Center. 17.Apply critical thinking skills in problems solving and decision making. 18.Apply creative and visual thinking skills. 19.I apply college success strategies to one or more of my current classes.
LERN 50 Survey Results Students Who Would Recommend College Success Course to a Friend Overall: 95% A Students: 98% B Students: 90% C Students: 89% Most Used college success strategies overall Q1 Time Management Tool 60% Q3 Goal Setting 56% Q19 Generally Apply College Success Strategies to Other Classes 53% Q17 Critical Thinking 51% Q18 Creative and Visual Thinking Skills 50% Most Used college success strategies for “A” students Q1 Time Management Tool 68% Q19 Generally Apply College Success Strategies to Other Classes 59% Q17 Critical Thinking 55% Q18 Creative and Visual Thinking Skills 54% Q10 Participation Strategies 54% Q2 Learning Styles 53% Most Used college Generally success strategies for “B” students Q19 Generally Apply College Success Strategies to other Classes 53%
LERN 50 Survey Results Continued Most Used college success strategies for “C” students Q12 Test Taking Strategies 56% Q3 Goal Setting 50% Never Used college success strategies overall Q16 Tutoring 31% Q5 Study groups 24% Q8 Effective Reading Techniques 22% Largest Discrepancies between “A” and “C” Students Q19 Generally Apply C.S. Strategies: 59% “A” students to 25% “C” students = 34% difference Q5 Study groups: 31% “A” students to 4% “C” students = 27% difference Q6 Memory Techniques: 48% “A” students to 25% “C” students = 23% difference Q10 Participate in Class: 54% “A” students to 32% “C” students = 22% difference
Implications for Instruction Emphasize and expand instruction in Most Used strategies: Time Management Tools, Goal Setting, Critical Thinking, and Creative and Visual Thinking. The higher the student’s grade the more likely they will generally apply college success strategies to other classes. Inform students of these results in a leaflet. Time Management Skills are the most used strategies by students. It is important to develop comprehensive curriculum for all instructors teaching college success. Need to develop better instructional practices for the least used strategies such as Effective Reading Techniques, Accessing Tutoring, & Study Groups. Develop activities that encourage students to apply strategies to other courses.