Architectures in Support of Capability Development NATO UNCLASSIFIED Architectures in Support of Capability Development Wg Cdr Mark Voss ACT/SC-6111 SMPI NATO UNCLASSIFIED
NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Introduction Scope: Outline the Capability Development Process Outline the ‘tools’ for achieving coherence Outline the emerging NNEC ‘focus areas’ Consider the relationship with Architectures Aim: to inform you of emerging thinking NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
Capability Development Process Concept Definition Realization Usage Analysis of Strategic Environment Identify Capability Needs Derive Requirements Conduct Gap Analysis & Fulfillment Identify & Select Possible Solutions Conduct Implementation Capability Area Improvement Programmes Capability Area Plans NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
Capability Management Capability Development Achieving Coherence Capability Planning CAPs CAIP Capability Management & Coordination FPs R&D CPs Pol & Stds Exp Capability Development & Implementation CAP – Capability Area Plan CAIP – Capability Area Improvement Program NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Capability Area Plan NNEC CAP will provide common overall perspective Operational needs (required sub-capabilities) Short, mid and long term goals and objectives Major milestones and resource requirements Management of risks NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
Capability Area Improvement ‘Programs’ NNEC CAIPs intended to be 5-6 year ‘roadmaps’ for coordinating capability development and implementation (“mid-term plans”) Groups all related activities (across DOTMLPFI) into logical solution paths to achieve desired needs Provides visibility of interdependencies and milestones across key programs, projects and activities A management & coherency tool intended to encompass: Changes to existing projects Introduction of new projects NATO and national contributions NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
IS-NNEC in Transformation TOAs CAFJO Enhanced CIMIC Expedition Ops Joint Logistics Joint Man Effective Engage Operational Concepts Enabling Concepts IS NNEC Capability Master Plan Sit Awareness Collaboration JISR/Intel Information - Interoperability IS : exploitation of info to meet operational C3 needs Info Assurance Functional Svcs Info & Int Svcs Comms Svcs NNEC : re-useable CIS components & stds Multinational Networked Information Infrastructure (NII) NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
Emerging Service Areas (1) Sub-Services (Focus Areas) Functional Joint/Adaptive C2 & Consultation Shared Situational Awareness Collaboration ISR Information Operations Functional Application Services Reasoning for Focus Areas; This is very much work in progress. Focus areas are intended to be the subject for the initial set of CAIPs Confident that these are a reasonable set of focus areas that reflects the outcome of the FS and our understanding of some of the work ongoing in the nations in the NEC area It’s about establishing shared ground for the nations and help us focus and prioritize our efforts These may need to be refined as operational concepts are developed and doctrine matures – however, don’t see any major revisions unless we get this completely wrong NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
Emerging Service Areas (2) Sub-Services (Focus Areas) Information Integration Information Interoperability Core Enterprise Services Secure & Dynamic Information Sharing Service Management Communications Improved & Converged Strategic Networks Improved Strategic-Tactical Communications Improved & Converged Tactical Networks Secure & Flexible Transport Services Network Management Information Assurance NII Security Management Cyber Defence Reasoning for Focus Areas; This is very much work in progress. Focus areas are intended to be the subject for the initial set of CAIPs Confident that these are a reasonable set of focus areas that reflects the outcome of the FS and our understanding of some of the work ongoing in the nations in the NEC area It’s about establishing shared ground for the nations and help us focus and prioritize our efforts These may need to be refined as operational concepts are developed and doctrine matures – however, don’t see any major revisions unless we get this completely wrong NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
Use of CAIPs to Achieve Coherence 2007 2011 2010 2009 2008 Strategic Networks Activities Approach 1 Approach 2 Path 1 Doctrine Path 2 Exp R&T CP XXX Strategic & Tactical Communications Tactical Networks IP Gateways Waveforms Freq Man Static Deployable Pol FPs Exp CP xxxx Visibility of interdependencies and critical paths across activities Services largely provided through existing programs/projects Existing CPs will map into more than one CAIP Will necessitate ‘steering’ of existing programs/projects Existing program/project management structures retained Architecture development is critical to deliver coherent set of services NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
Use of CAIPs to Determine Priorities 2007 2011 2010 2009 2008 JISR Activities Approach 1 Approach 2 Path 1 Doctrine Path 2 Exp R&T CP XXX Collaborative Environment Shared Situational Awareness Year by year view across ALL CAIPs should enable more effective prioritization across SPOW, EPOW, NSIP, FPs and other activities NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
Building the NNEC Architecture User Services System (FAS) Components Implementation Categories of User Service: Generic Common to TOAs Specific to TOA CAIPs show implementation ‘roadmap’ across programs/projects and other activities Info & Int Services Components Standards & Implementation Comms mnNII Core Enterprise Services NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
Architecture, CAIPs and CMM Capability Maturity Levels needed to define LOA – this in turn drives objectives & priorities – these have impact on Archs & Planning ‘HOW’ & ‘WHEN’ ‘CAIPs Plan coherent delivery of components & standards Support Help develop and define Long Term Vision Mid Term Planning RAs built to underpin mid term planning and implementation – they specify the service components & interfaces required in the mid-term FAS I&IS COMMS 5-6 yrs TAs describe interim solutions within CPs/Projects. Likely in mid-term to be a combination of ‘system’ & ‘service’ approaches? Near Term Activities ‘WHAT’ NATO / EAPC UNCLASSIFIED