Serious Settlers In science we will investigate forces. At the end of term we will explore the magic of magnetism. The Anglo-Saxons will help us understand friction as we test different surfaces to learn which would be the easiest to pull a boat over. We will develop an understanding of chronology and we will examine evidence to learn about the Anglo-Saxons. We will paint and sketch Anglo-Saxon artefacts. We will look at their jewellery to learn about their patterns. We will use these patterns as a starting point to print patterns. We will learn about Anglo-Saxon myths and legends, art and crafts and lifestyles.
ENGLISH: We will look at the Bayeux Tapestry and Doomsday book to understand different texts. We will write poems, comic strips and stories. MATHS: Our maths lessons are designed to help children make appropriate connections across the curriculum strands to promote deeper understanding of mathematical contexts. We will be working with number and place value, calculations, fractions, measurement, geometry and statistics. COMPUTING: E-safety is promoted through all of our computing lessons. We will be designing and createing an animation. FRENCH: We will be learning to introduce ourselves and understand simple classroom commands. MUSIC: This term Owls will be exploring descriptive sounds. They will also develop their singing skills in our weekly singing assembly and preparing for Harvest Festival. PE AND GAMES: In games Owls will receive tennis lessons and learn netwall games. In PE they will be learning balancinng positions and to link these into a sequence. Please make sure your child’s PE kit is in school all week. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: This term we will learn how and where people worship. PSHCE AND VALUES EDUCATION: Our topic for this half term is “New Beginnings” which focusses on empathy, self-awareness, social skills and motivation. Our is “trust” and this will be modelled and lived through-out the school day. We would love to hear from you if your child shows this value outside of school. Out of school learning will continue to complement our topic and Owls will be expected to complete at least six activities from this term’s Learning Log grid. Owls are tested weekly on their spellings and times tables. You will find the results of these tests in their Reading Records. We value the interest you take in your child’s learning. As always we are happy to share any related home activities or objects with the class. Please remember our weekly drop in session on Friday afternoons from 3.00pm to 3.15pm but if this is not convenient you can speak to us before or after school. With best wishes Mrs Page and Mrs Wright