Observatory Control System Sergio Picó, ING Dec 16,Cambridge
Operational Repository OCS WAS CPS Fields (XML) FITS OB Manager Convert Fields into Obs + offers to OISMT a set of GUIs to examine the characteristics of the OBs and the state of their execution. OB DB: Stores The information regarding the OB definitions and their execution Queue Scheduler Assist the WEAVE operator in deciding which OB is most suitable for observation. Embodies a decision management system which shall accept various input constraints and using a scheduling algorithm, will produce a ranked list of candidate OBs to be observed. Interfaces with the Sequencer indicating which OB to execute next or to configure in the non-observable plate Sequencer Set up the instrument with the definition held in the OB Responsible for taken Calibration and Science Integrations Executes also non-OB sequences (daily checks, TCS focus, SPE Focus….) Interfaces with all the subsystems that comprise the WEAVE instrument: ICS Ensure that requests are consistent Provides the software control and feedback framework through which WEAVE will be operated Parameter Notice Board WHT Global status cache Provides a single point of reference for any WEAVE OCS client that wishes to determine the status of any part of the WEAVE control system OCS Software System to control and interact with the WEAVE instrument Built upon existing ING Intrument Control System OCS=ICS+Scheduler+Sequencer Observation Block: Contains the complete information required to configure the instrument and perform integrations. Parameter Notice Board: WHT Global Status Cache. Centralized point of information Quick Look Module Analyses the science and calibration integrations providing feedback to the observer about the quality of the data obtained OB DB OB Manager OBs Exposures OB results Commands TCS DAS&AG SPE PFC Pos Feedback QLM QL Analisys Status P N B GUI Queue Scheduler OBs Sequencer OB details
OCS-Current Status FDR planned for March-17 On-going/delivered developments: SPE Control System Focus Translation Control System DAS & AG upgrades Some of the in-place tools (ICS): Parameter Notice Board Header collection task Observing log Talker log Alarms system GUIs and Mimics framework Inter process comm protocol (iSubaction based on CORBA) Low level PLC framework (based on PLCIO)
Schedule WEAVE Control System Tue 08/05/18 Delivery of the Observing Blocks Manager Q2/17 Delivery of the Instrument Control System Q3/17 Delivery of the Observation Sequencer Delivery of the Observation Queue Scheduler Delivery of the Data Acquisition Systems Q1/17 Delivery of modified Telescope Control System Delivery of SPE control system Delivery of PFC control system