What would happen to Earth if the Sun were turned off today? Think About It… What would happen to Earth if the Sun were turned off today? 1
Twinkle, Twinkle, Our Big Star! Continued… Lesson 7 Twinkle, Twinkle, Our Big Star! Continued… 2
Tools of Astronomy Tools of Astronomy The light that comes to Earth from distant objects is the best tool that astronomers can use to learn about the universe. In most cases, there is no other way to study the cosmos except to analyze the light that we receive from it.
Radiation Electromagnetic radiation consists of waves of electrical and magnetic disturbances. It includes visible light, infrared energy, ultraviolet radiation, radio waves, microwaves, X rays, and gamma rays.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum… c. Organizes the forms of EM energy EM energy… d. is classified by wavelength and frequency e. moves at the speed of light 5
Radiation Electromagnetic radiation travels at the same speed and is classified by: Wavelengths—the distance between peaks on a wave. Frequency—the number of waves or oscillations occurring per second.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum… http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/ALSTool/EMSpec/EMSpec2.html 7
2. Energy Flows From the Sun… A. by the process of radiation http://virtualskies.arc.nasa.gov/weather/images/2b1.png 8
Energy Flows From the Sun… Radiation B. the transfer of energy through space by visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and other electromagnetic waves C. All substances that have temps over absolute zero emit radiation! D. The hotter the substance, the shorter the wavelength. http://ossfoundation.us/projects/environment/global-warming/earths-radiation-budget 9
3. Absorption of The Sun’s Energy by the Earth… A. about 50% of incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth. 10
Absorption of The Sun’s Energy by the Earth… C. Which gas absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun? Ozone http://mmedia.pl/ozone-layer-diagram-for-kids 11
Differential Heating… D. Which heats up and cools down more slowly? Water or land? This is called differential heating. This is what moderates (tempers) the climate in coastal areas. water 12
4. Photosynthesis… http://abhsscience.wikispaces.com/Photosynthesis+TD 13
Photosynthesis During the process of photosynthesis, solar energy is transformed into ______________ energy. chemical
Food From the Sun! http://wowk.images.worldnow.com/images/19108684_BG1.jpg 15
plants b. Photosynthesis occurs in __________, algae, and some bacteria.
Photosynthesis needs… water Carbon dioxide Light
In plants, photosynthesis occurs in cell parts called chloroplasts
Solar Wind and Earth’s Magnetic Field… Earth’s magnetic field protects us from the solar wind by… deflecting these particles and trapping them in two huge rings called the Van Allen belts http://www.redorbit.com/education/reference_library/space_1/solar_system/2574610/van_allen_radiation_belt/ 19