Kim’s Ballistic Chanel hand bags Purses and handbags.
The following hand bags and purses are some of the designs. Types of handbags The following hand bags and purses are some of the designs. The bags will be price wise. Bags are hand made.
Pros & Cons Purses are price wise and medium purses are big to fit almost anything you can think of. Have big pockets inside. Imported purses last longer! One year warrantee No handbags is definitely a con. Pricy but still price wise and worth every penny. Lay way is a way to go to be in style. Not a cluttered fashionista!
The purses are leather and contain metal. The inside is soft silk. Guaranteed to last a long time.
Leather is imported from Italy. Leather is fine and sturdy.
There are various sizes. Some of the purses are imported from Paris.
Beware of imitators!!! All bags have the brand name outside of the inside pocket.
Is this how you look with out a purse?
This is how good you’ll look with a purse!!!
Contact information To reach a store near you make sure to call the international hotline 1(800)CHANELS Or visit