ELENA scrapers ELENA status for BI – electronics and software 05/27/2016 Pierre Grandemange CERN BE-BI-EA
Scrapers geometry
Scrapers geometry
Scrapers geometry
Detectors pbar -> pions 255mm 70mm 200mm plastic scintillator Polyvinyltoluene (EJ-2125) 50mm (radius)*2mm 10000 photons/MeV (e-) rise/decay time : 0.9/2.4 ns 255mm 70mm 200mm 9/12/2018 Document reference
Detectors H-/protons -> electrons MCP detectors 4 detectors 18.8 mm active area 68 degree from mvmt axis Readout at high voltage -> 3kV 9/12/2018 Document reference
Detectors 9/12/2018 Document reference
Acquisition pbar Strategy : same system as at the AD Issue Ongoing EJ-212 scintillator (ex NE 102A) + PM Scaler CAEN V560 HV power supplies Issue CAEN V560 obsolete Software : “SCAL” in GM implementation -> obsolete Ongoing Open discussion with Felix Ehm (AD and ELENA coordinator) to define how to adapt AD system to ELENA 9/12/2018 Document reference
Acquisition (H-/protons) DAQ at high voltage! 1 HV box with : ELMA VME crate VSCRAP PCB 3 HV power supplies ISEG (out of HV box) VSCRAP : similar to IPM electronics Photo of BIPM VME crate 9/12/2018 Document reference
Schedule Protons detectors VSCRAP PCB tests in lab : 3 weeks Specifications for software mid June, similar to IPM HV box : expected delivery in July Control software of ISEG HV cards can start now Pbar detectors Scaler control to be defined, meeting with Felix Ehm soon 9/12/2018 Document reference