Community Colleges of Spokane Uplifting. Inspiring. Enriching. 2011 Strategic Planning Community Colleges of Spokane Uplifting. Inspiring. Enriching.
Values Excellence Access Achievement Stewardship Respect 2011 Strategic Planning Values Excellence Access Achievement Stewardship Respect
2011 Strategic Planning Mission To develop human potential through quality, relevant and affordable learning opportunities that result in improved social and economic well-being for our students and our state.
2011 Strategic Planning Vision Community Colleges of Spokane transforms lives and uplifts humanity, inspiring students to lead communities, build the nation and enrich the world.
Strategic Priority Areas and Strategic Initiatives 2011Strategic Planning Strategic Priority Areas and Strategic Initiatives
Student Success: Strengthening Engagement 2011 Strategic Planning Student Success: Strengthening Engagement Strategic Initiatives Improve student success transitioning among educational levels and careers. Improve instructional options to meet diverse student needs. Strengthen student completion. Key Performance Indicators Basic education, transfer and workforce rates of completion. Increase access to degree and certificate programs through online, night/weekend, and accelerated offerings. Success rates of underserved populations.
2011 Strategic Planning Collaboration and Communication: Building Productive Communities Strategic Initiatives Expand results-oriented partnerships among education, business labor and community leaders that strengthen workforce development. Build and support cross-district teams to identify and implement best practices. Advance the reputation and position of CCS as a vital contributor to the region’s socioeconomic well-being. Key Performance Indicators Funded and executed partnership initiatives. Effective and streamlined processes and practices. Impact on region’s economy., including job preparation.
Sustainability: Enhancing Operational Efficiency 2011 Strategic Planning Sustainability: Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness Strategic Initiatives Recruit, develop and retain high-quality diverse faculty and staff. Operate as a district. Optimize the use of technology. Sustain fiscal stability. Provide facilities and environments highly conducive to learning with minimal ecological impact. Key Performance Indicators Development opportunities for professional renewal. Adoption of common processes and practices across the district. Implementation of ERP and other academic and student services applications. Effectiveness of leveraging and targeting resources for maximum efficiency. Re-evaluated and updated long-term capital master plan.
2011 Strategic Planning Innovation: Supporting a Culture of Continuous Improvement Strategic Initiatives Ensure programs and services are relevant, diverse, high-quality and timely. Identify and capture new sources of revenue. Reward innovative ideas and high-performance teams. Key Performance Indicators Use of standards and measures for continuous improvement of programs and services. Revenue level from non-state sources. New program and service development, such as new certificates and degrees, corporate training modules, online advising and tutoring.
2011 Strategic Planning Acknowledgements Administration Christine Johnson, Chancellor Joe Dunlap, SCC President Pam Praeger, SFCC President Scott Morgan, IEL Chief Executive Officer Board Representative Carol Landa-McVicker AHE Leadership Carla Naccarato-Sinclair, President WFSE Leadership Marlene Cortez, Administrative Assistant to Technical Education Dean
2011 Strategic Planning Acknowledgements SCC Representatives Amanda Hammond, SAC Programmer of Comedy and Concerts Dennie Carlson, Applied Education Instructor Chris Kent, Social Science/Humanities Instructor Tracy Struble, Workforce & Career Services Supervisor Virginia Tomlinson, Dean of Arts and Sciences SFCC Representatives Alec Stannard, ASB President Don Brunner, Accounting Instructor Heather Keast, English Instructor Kari Collen, Administrative Assistant to Library and Instructional Support Dean Glen Cosby, Dean of Humanities & Academic International Initiatives
2011 Strategic Planning Acknowledgements IEL Representatives Trish Vernon, Student Michele Cook, ABE Instructor Shirley Vines, AEC Instructor Sarah Stiffler, Family Service Coordinator Amy Lopes Wasson, Dean of Student Services District Representatives Dick Hol, District Director of Information Systems Reggie Eans, Human Resources Consultant Facilities Representatives Dennis Dunham, District Director of Facilities Roy Clements, Facilities Maintenance Mechanic
2011 Strategic Planning Acknowledgements Foundation Representative Tony Higley, CCS Foundation Executive Director Athletics Representative Ken Burrus, District Director of Athletics, Physical Education & Recreation Support Team Candace Smallfoot, Strategic Plan Project Manager Cheryl Churchill, Executive Assistant to District Academic Officer Linda Graham, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor Janet Gullickson, District Academic Officer John Huffstutter, District Director of Budget and Administrative Services Mark Macias, District Manager of Institutional Research Melody Matthews, HRIS Manager Kathleen Roberson, Executive Assistant to Business and Finance
2011 Strategic Planning Acknowledgements Support Team – Continued Greg Stevens, Chief Administration Officer Anne Tucker, Public Information Officer Facilitator Dr. Sandra M. Wilson Independent Contractors & Contributors Cher Desautel, Michelle Hege, Casey Fielder; Desautel Hege Communications Dr. Richard Voorhees; Voorhees Group LLC Mark Mattke; Spokane Area Workforce Development Council Doug Tweedy; Washington State Employment Security Department
2011 Strategic Planning Acknowledgements All who participated in the following: 12 faculty, staff, student focus groups 60 student and 40 K-12, higher ed, and business interviews; 1 community leader focus group 11 open forums.