EWR DCL Flight Tests Capt Gregg Kastman MD-11 Flt Trng Sup Welcome to students back to the FTC.
EWR DCL Flight Tests 6 Flights conducted 16 May – 6 Jun 13 MD-11, Flight 1083, EWR-SDF, 0220z dept (2220L) Telecon during ground ops EWR Tower UPS Ops FAA Data Comm Team Flight Crew
Flight 1, 16 May Ground Ops Logon successful
Flight 1, 16 May Ground Ops Logon successful Initial Clearance, CAF
Flight 1, 16 May Ground Ops Logon successful Initial Clearance, CAF During Taxi, Revised Dept Freq
Flight 1, 16 May Ground Ops Logon successful Initial Clearance, CAF During Taxi, Revised Dept Freq Airborne, auto log-off 15 min after T/O At Cruise Flt, FL380
Flight 2, 22 May Ground Ops Logon successful Initial Clearance, CAF
Flight 2, 22 May Ground Ops Logon successful Initial Clearance, CAF During Taxi, Revised Route (UM79)
Flight 2, 22 May Ground Ops Logon successful Initial Clearance, CAF During Taxi, Revised Route (UM79) Airborne, ATC logoff 5 min after T/O – no problems No problems on FMC or ND approaching waypoints
Flight 3, 24 May Ground Ops Logon REJECTED
Flight 3, 24 May Ground Ops Logon REJECTED Initial Clearance, UM79
Flight 3, 24 May Ground Ops Logon REJECTED Initial Clearance, UM79 During Taxi, ATC unable to send UM80 Possible glitch in ARTCC rte build Revised Rte clnc via voice Airborne, auto log-off 5 min after T/O
Flight 4, 29 May Ground Ops Logon successful Initial Clearance, CAF
Flight 4, 29 May Ground Ops Logon successful Initial Clearance, CAF During Taxi, Revised Rte (UM80) Scratchpad message
Flight 4, 29 May Ground Ops Logon successful Initial Clearance, CAF During Taxi, Revised Route (UM80) Scratchpad message (PARTIAL F-PLN UPLINK) Printer problems After airborne, ATC logoff 5 min after T/O
Flight 5, 5 June Ground Ops Logon successful Unable to receive DCL Simultaneous message on both DSP
Flight 6, 6 June Ground Ops Logon successful ATC unable to send DCL DTAP reboot after flight plan filed
General Observations DCL has outstanding potential Positives Route uplinks should reduce errors and time Reduce voice requirements Challenges Mitigate threat of misread messages Crew workload during taxi Comfort with CPDLC domestic operations