The Flight Profile –From Takeoff To Touchdown Module Two: Aircraft Systems and Airport Chapter 2: Airports
Preflight Inspection (A)* While parked, the pilot walks around the plane and visually inspects it externally. Control-surfaces, oil and fuel levels. Ground clearance from the control tower is sought.
Taxi Phase (B)* The pilot taxi’s or drives the aircraft along the taxiway and stops before entering the runway.
Run-up (C) * With parking brake set, the pilot does an engine run-up, checks magnetos, sets mixture, check carb heat, checks instruments, and lastly the flight controls. Passengers are briefed, seat belts, and then control tower is called for clearance.
Takeoff (D) Cleared by the control tower and the pilot enters the runway and the takeoff portions begins.
Climb (E) The pilot continues climbing to desired altitude is reached.
Cruise (F) The pilot enters straight and level flight.
Descent (G) The pilot loses altitude and prepares for landing at another destination, or returns to the airport where the flight began.
Approach-To-Landing (H) ATC directs the pilot to position the airplane into the traffic flow
Landing (I) The pilot positions the aircraft into alignment with the runway, glideslope is maintained until touchdown. The pilot exits the runway onto a taxiway.
Stopped (J)* ATC clears the pilot to taxi to the parking area.
Shut Down (K) * The pilot ties the plane down and inspects for any damage. Then a post-flight procedure is followed to shut the aircraft down properly and log books are completed.