Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Teeth Teeth Jobs $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 Not Brushing Tooth Brushing Process $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 Name the 4 front teeth that bite and chop food and the teeth next to them. Incisors and canines
1 - $200 The back teeth that grind food before swallowing are called _______. The teeth that come BEFORE them that just grind food are called ______. Molars and premolars
1 - $300 Location of your teeth’ roots and the thing that helps you taste food. Gums, tongue
2 - $100 The incisors job is to _______________. Bite and chop food.
2 - $200 The molars and premolars ____________ food. Grind
2 - $300 The canines ________ and _______ food. Tear and rip
3 - $100 A cavity is which of the following: A hole in your tooth A hole in your tongue Bacteria on your gums A hole in your tooth
3 - $200 The disease that causes red, swollen gums is called __________. Gingivitis
3 - $300 What is plaque? Film of bacteria on your teeth
4 - $100 Unscramble the teeth brushing process: TIPS : KIPC PU EHT THTOO BUHSR: Spit Pick up the tooth brush
4 - $200 Unscramble the tooth brushing process: WTE HET RBUSH TUP STEPA NO THE BRUSH Wet the brush Put paste on the brush
4 - $300 What happens when you don’t brush your teeth? You get plaque and gingivitis.
Final Jeopardy Name the teeth when Mr. Moio points to them.