Element of Targets Priority Targets Quantitative Aspects Complete identification of all areas that meet the definition of a protected area in Kenya but which are not currently reported in national reports to the CBD, and submit to the World Database on Protected Areas. Improving Ecological Representation Carrry out an ecological gap assessment and identify biodiversity hotspots and place the key ecosystems and habitats under protected area status. This will include additional Important Bird Areas (IBSs) outside currently protected areas. Areas important for Biodiversity Bringing unprotected IBAs under protection by expanding existing PAs or establishing new PAs. This will include 7 IBAs in danger from impact by agriculture/aquaculture, human disturbance. Management effectiveness and equity Build capacity on management effectiveness assessment to identify threats and develop strategies for further actions. Build the capacity and awareness of stakeholders and interest groups to achieve recognition and participate effectively in equity negotiations.
Element of Targets Priority Targets Connectivity Identify key wildlife corridors and secure them for improved maintenance of ecological connectivity. Improve cross border cooperation and collaboration in the management of transborder protected areas and ecological processes, such as wildlife migrations. Other effective area based conservation measures Build capacity on Nagoya Protocol and ABS to legislators, policy makes and judiciary in Kenya for effective implementation and fait and equitable benefit sharing of benefits arising from the use of biodiversity. Promote the formation of additional community based and private wildlife conservancies. Draft management plans for biosphere reserves which will integrate the conservation of biodiversity into the wider landscapes and seascapes. Threatened species assessment Conservation plan status Carry out an assessment of the status of threatened species in Kenya and prepare recovery plans (single species conservation and management strategies).