Semicolon ; Has 3 main jobs. Job #1: Winky smiley face ;) Job #2: Any guesses? Job #3: For another day—it will blow your mind
A semicolon combines 2 complete, related sentences. 1.) My grandmother throws better than you; she’s dead. 2.) Call me tomorrow; I will give you my answer then. 3.) Please help me carry these boxes; I can’t lift heavy things. 4.) Tornados freak me out; my cat is the best pet.
Use a semicolon
Use a semicolon
Use a semicolon
True or False? On your own paper, write each statement. Next to it, write true or false. Pick 3 statements and explain why you chose T or F in at least 5 sentences. 1.) You feel more pressure in high school than any other time in life. 2.) Students who are depressed are simply afraid to deal with real or imaginary problems.
True or false cont’d 3.) There is a difference between being quiet and being withdrawn. 4.) Drunk people are not responsible for their actions. 5.) Adults don’t understand the problems teenagers face.
Pair and share In groups of 2-3, talk about what you decided for each statement. What do you agree on? What do you disagree on? 1.) You feel more pressure in high school than any time in life. 2.) Students who are depressed are simply afraid to deal with real or imaginary problems. 3.) There is a difference between being quiet and being withdrawn. 4.) Drunk people are not responsible for their actions. 5.) Adults don’t understand the problems teenagers face.
Secrets . . . On the half sheet of paper, write a secret. It can be silly or more serious, but make sure it is something not many people know. DO NOT put your name on this sheet. This will be COMPLETELY anonymous. Ms. Ashley won’t even know who wrote each secret. Ms. Ashley will type up the secrets, and post them on our bulletin board for the next couple of weeks. Cover your secret as you write, and flip it over when you are done. Ms. Ashley will pick them up individually. NO PASSING!