Religious wars and Conflicts By Daniel Olivette and Decklan Rolle
The breaking point of the catholic church
Catholic Church is losing power They need to find a way to get back on top
Italian Wars King Charles VIII invaded Italy and created wars.
This created a power struggle between France and Spain for the Italian Peninsula
Fighting culminated into the sack of rome
Wars ended in 1599 Renaissance Spreads North
Germany In Germany, reform is being called for. Martin Luther is at the head of it all
Martin Luther
Indulgences They were given by the Catholic Church as a way for people to buy there way to heaven. Scam Martin Luther Posted 95 Theses which is basically a list of complaints about the church
95 Theses Complained about Indulgences Brought up the corruption in church
Change People began to convert to Protestantism Church is beginning to lose power
Peasants War Peasants are sick of hightaxes Decide to revolt- called Peasants War Luther sides with the rich and says to crush the revolt
Peasants War End 50,000- 100,000 dead peasants Peace of Augsburg was signed
Peace of Augsburg Allowed each Prince to choose religion for his subjects Peasants had no say
Protestantism A lot of Germany converted to Protestantism Protestantism is all about living a simpler, Christian-like life The church lost power
What happened? Do to the troubles the Catholic Church had after the Protestant Reformation they began the Counter Reformation which was there campaign on creating religious unity in Europe and regain power and money.
Who was involved? Manly Germany and Italy because Germany was where Protestantism began and began to feud with the Holy Roman church thus starting religious conflicts.
How does this event show religious disunity in Europe? It showed how two conflicting beliefs could cause wars, civil unrest, and even persecution of other religions and making those believers of their religion outcast to the rest of society.
CITATIONS content/uploads/files/article_images/1024BreakingPoint_858601169.jpg data:image/jpeg;base64,  schau e_of_1527_by_Johannes_Lingelbach_17th_century.jpg/1920px- Sack_of_Rome_of_1527_by_Johannes_Lingelbach_17th_century.jpg
Citations #2,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,h_1200,q _80,w_1200/MTE1ODA0OTcxNzA3MjM3OTAx.jpg augsburg_1555.jpg