So what would be the Accuasitive Plural form of via, viae (f.)? Singular Plural Nominative: via viae Genitive: Dative: Accusative: viam Ablative:
So what would be the Accuasitive Plural form of via, viae (f.)? Singular Plural Nominative: via viae Genitive: Dative: Accusative: viam viās Ablative:
What about the Accusative Plural of amīcus, amīcī (m.)? Singular Plural Nominative: amīcus amīcī Genitive: Dative: Accusative: amīcum Ablative:
What about the Accusative Plural of amīcus, amīcī (m.)? Singular Plural Nominative: amīcus amīcī Genitive: Dative: Accusative: amīcum amicōs Ablative:
What about the Accus. Plural of forum, forī (n)? Singular Plural Nominative: forum fora Genitive: forī Dative: Accusative: Ablative:
What about the Accus. Plural of forum, forī (n)? Singular Plural Nominative: forum fora Genitive: forī Dative: Accusative: Ablative:
Finally, the Accuasative Plural of rēx, rēgis (m.)? Singular Plural Nominative: rēx rēgēs Genitive: rēgis Dative: Accusative: rēgem Ablative:
Finally, the Accuasative Plural of rēx, rēgis (m.)? Singular Plural Nominative: rēx rēgēs Genitive: rēgis Dative: Accusative: rēgem Ablative:
-a -us -um -ae -ī -is -am -em -ēs -ās -ōs SINGULAR PLURAL 1st 2nd 3rd NOMINATIVE -a -us -um (various) GENITIVE -ae -ī -is DATIVE ACCUSATIVE -am -em ABLATIVE -ēs -ās -ōs SINGULAR PLURAL
The farmer praised the gladiator. The farmer praised the gladiators. The slave killed the farmer. The slave killed the farmers. The centurion praised the slaves. The boy led the actors to the theater. The old man led the actor to the theater. A friend told stories.
7. Her friends greeted the slave girl. 8. The farmers listened to the messengers.
Put the following into Latin… The servant greets the master. The servants greet the masters. The gladiator fights the lion. The gladiators fight the lions. The woman watches the dog. The women watch the dogs. saluto, salutare pugno, pugnare specto, spectare
The servant greets the master. servus dominum salutat The servants greet the masters. servi dominos salutant.
3. The gladiator fights the lion. gladiator leonem pugnat. 4. The gladiators fight the lions. glaidatores leones pugnant.
5. The woman watches the dog. femina canem spectat. 6. The women watch the dogs. feminae canes spectant.
Superlative Adjectives
The merchant is sad. The old man is very sad. The dog was fierce. The lion was the fiercest. A friend told a very long story. The heavily armored gladiators were brave, but the net-bearing gladiators were the bravest. Melissa was very beautiful.