Market Readiness Seminar 8 Remaining Market Trials and Cutover Activities October 14, 2010 1
Antitrust Admonition ANTITRUST ADMONITION ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including the antitrust laws. DISCLAIMER All presentations and materials submitted by Market Participants or any other Entity to ERCOT staff for this meeting are received and posted with the acknowledgement that the information will be considered public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Operating Procedure. 2
General Updates and Reminders Market Testing Activities Agenda General Updates and Reminders Market Testing Activities October Testing Full System Market and Reliability (LFC) Test Details Cutover over Schedule Review Go-Live Sequence Congestion Revenue Rights “Soft” Start Generation Cutover Go-Live Communication Plan Review Other Credit Topics Reversion Plan Review Q&A 3
General Updates and Reminders 4
Day-to-day operations summary: Planned / Unplanned Outages of Market Trials 10/03/2010 – 10/11/2010 All system maintenance completed on 10/12/2010 (extended from 10/11/2010) Unplanned Outages None to report Network Model Scheduled Updates 10/13/2010 – Completed as scheduled 10/20/2010 11/01/2010 11/10/2010 11/17/2010 . 5
General Updates and Reminders Reminder on Market Participant Training ERCOT will continue to offer training through the end of the year The Learning Management System (LMS) will continue to be the resource used for MP training The URL for the LMS is as follows: 10/15/2010 Friday Market Call This meeting will still occur Focus will be a recap of this seminar, special topics and Q&A Reminder – If you haven’t already, please complete the Notice of Change of Information (NCI) form to designate an a) Authorized Representative and also a b) Backup Authorized Representative for your Counter-Party (overall rather than for a specific QSE or CRRAH) Market Notice went out on September 13, 2010 ERCOT will contact these designated individuals along with the credit contacts for credit purposes such as collateral calls, late payment notices and breach or default notices.
Market Testing Activities October Testing 7
Market Testing Activities During Cutover – October Testing COMPLETE: October 1, 2010 through October 11, 2010: ERCOT will be performing system maintenance and verifications of production systems October 12, 2010 through October 17, 2010: ERCOT systems will be available, but no markets or scheduled events will occur during this period October 18, 2010 through October 30, 2010: ERCOT will be performing the following Market Facing Tests Day Ahead Market will run daily until 10/29/2010 (10/30/2010 last operating day) DRUC / HRUC will run periodically SCED will publish LMPs and base points every five minutes (quality of prices contingent on Market participation) October 25, 2010 through October 28, 2010: Focused input window During this period, ERCOT is requesting that the Market submit realistic transactions COPs that reflect actual resource operations and are updated intraday if statuses change Bids / Offers that are representative of a post Go-Live state TSPs and QSEs submit realistic outages ERCOT will continue to run DAM as previously stated throughout the Focused window ERCOT will run RUC per protocol timelines (e.g. HRUC hourly and DRUC daily) October 27, 2010 through October 28, 2010: 24-Hour Full System Market and Reliability (LFC) Test Full System Market and Reliability test will take place for a total of 24 hours Test will begin on 10/27/2010 at 12:00 PM and end on 10/28/2010 at 12:00 PM Reminder: For the duration of the 10/18/2010 – 10/29/2010 testing window, please note: Settlements will not be published Credit will be set high and not integrated with CMM Market Participants may request credit to be set lower at ERCOT will field these requests twice during the October testing window on 10/18/2010 and 10/25/2010 Outages will be integrated and limited to what has been entered in the Outage Scheduler by Market Participants Note that during the Focused Input Window, Outages should reflect realistic entries CRR Ownership data will leverage October Monthly Auction data 8
Market Testing Activities During Cutover – October Testing Operational Scenarios in October (outside of the Full System Test) DAM Close Functionality: this feature enables transactions received close to, but prior to the DAM submission close deadline, to be included in the DAM regardless of the time it takes to process ERCOT will ask pre-selected QSEs to submit transaction intentionally close to the DAM close deadline in order to exercise this feature Test will occur on 10/19/2010 DAM Failure (NPRR 255) This test will occur on 10/21/2010 Load Resources RRS Deployment Scenario Test Overview (for both tests) Day 1 – QSEs update their Load Resource COPs to reflect self arranged schedules and awards from DAM prior to DRUC Day 2 – Deployment test starts at 0900 with an ERCOT hotline call. Once a QSE receives the deployment message, it must respond by updating its telemetered RRS schedules ERCOT will recall the deployment with a 0MW deployment message and a VDI. Test #1 – 10/18-10/19 Group 1 deployed in HE10 Group 2 deployed in HE11 Group 1 & 2 recalled HE12 Test #2 – 10/20-10/21 Group 1 & 2 deployed in HE10 Group 1 & 2 recalled in HE11 Reminder: This is only a test and there will be no shedding of actual Load 9
Market Testing Activities During Cutover – October Testing 24-Hour Full-System Test ERCOT will conduct the 24-Hour Test from 10/27/2010 12pm to 10/28/2010 12pm ERCOT will send a Market Notice 2 hours prior to the test start to confirm start time Details for the WebEx that will be held during the test will be sent to Nodal PMs shortly after the Market Notice 24-Hour Full-System Test Scenarios: Scenario #1: Switch control to the Austin facility During this scenario, ERCOT will switch control from Taylor to Austin for approximately two hours Scenario #2: Simulate EMS Failure During this scenario, ERCOT will: Discontinue sending Regulation Service deployments and updated UDBPs and SCED Base Points To stop Reg. deployments and updated UDBPs, ERCOT will place the LFC application in “monitor” mode To stop updated SCED Base Points, ERCOT will activate Emergency Base Points with an incremental deployment of 0 MWs Request specific QSE(s) to go on Constant Frequency Control This scenario will be initiated at an unannounced time during the 24-Hour Test window This scenario will be conducted for approximately 15 to 30 minutes 10
Cut-Over Milestones 5/22/2018 Market Readiness Seminar
Nodal Cutover and Market Transition – Key Cut-Over Milestones Network Model Nodal Protocol Section 3.10 goes into effect (Sept. 1) TAC Approval – July 1 (July 20) Board Approval – July 20 Market Notice – July 30 Congestion Revenue Rights Nodal Protocol Section 7 goes into effect (Oct. 13) TAC Approval – August 5 Board Approval – August 17 Market Notice – September 13 Outage Scheduler Nodal Protocol Section 3.1 goes into effect (Nov. 1) Market Notice – October 1 Full Nodal Operations Nodal Protocol Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 go into effect as well as all other unimplemented Protocol Sections (Nov. 23) TAC Approval – October 7th Board Approval – October 19th Market Notice – October 23rd Market Readiness Seminar
Key Cutover Activities Through December 2010 5/22/2018 Market Readiness Seminar
Cut-Over Monthly Outlook – October May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Functional Area Network Model Outage Scheduler Congestion Revenue Rights Credit MIS Key Cut-Over Activities for October 2010 (10/01) CRR: CRR system data clean up for Go-Live (10/04) OS: First pull of December Outages for CRR Network Model (for PCRR Allocation) (10/04-10/13) Model: Network Model build for CRR Allocation and Auction (10/03-10/11) MIS UI and EWS Get Report function not available (ERCOT back end reconfiguration) (10/13) OS: Changes to December Outages considered for CRR Auction Model (10/13) Model: Changes to Model considered for CRR December Auction MP Activities / Impacts CRR Test Data from Market Trials will be removed MIS UI and EWS Get Report unavailable from 10/03-10/11 for production reconfiguration**
Cut-Over Monthly Outlook – October May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Functional Area Network Model Outage Scheduler Congestion Revenue Rights Credit MIS Key Cut-Over Activities for October 2010 (10/14-10/19) CRR: ERCOT begins accepting PCRR Nominations for December Monthly Auction (updated) (10/15-11/15) Model: Network Operations Model posted to TSP Citrix location and TSPs begin validation process (10/26) CRR: ERCOT shall allocate PCRRs to NOIEs for the 2010 December Monthly Auction and publish to MIS (10/26) CRR: ERCOT shall post CRR Network Model for the 2010 December Monthly Auction to MIS (10/28-11/08) Credit: ERCOT posts ACLs daily for CRR December monthly auction to CRR (10/29) CRR: ERCOT to post December 2010 Monthly Auction Notice to MIS MP Activities / Impacts CRRAH able to retrieve ACLs from CRR system each business day. MPs can post additional collateral until 11/08/2010 for Dec 2010 CRR Auction Dec 2010 CRR Model available on MIS Dec 2010 Monthly Auction Notice available on MIS
Cut-Over Monthly Outlook – November May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Functional Area Settlements Credit Congestion Revenue Rights Disputes Market Management Key Cut-Over Activities for November 2010 (11/8/2010 12:00pm) Credit: Collateral Posting Deadline (Dec Auction) (11/8/2010 5:00pm) CRR: Credit Lock for Dec CRR Auction (11/9/2010 – 11/11/2010) CRR: December CRR Auction Bid Open/Close (11/12/2010) CRR: December CRR Auction Executes (11/15/2010) CRR: December CRR Auction Results published (11/16/2010) Settlements: December CRR Auction Invoice published (11/16/2010) Disputes: Dispute submitted to ERCOT for CRR Invoice (11/19/2010) Credit: Payment Due for December CRR Auction Invoices (11/22/2010) Settlements: Payments to CRRAH (Dec Auction) (11/23/2010) Market Submission Opens (Remaining Protocol Go- Live) (11/24/2010) Model: Network Model Load (11/29/2010) Credit: ERCOT to Publish ACL for the initial Day-Ahead Market execution by ERCOT MP Activities / Impacts Available Credit Limit is locked for CRRAHs CRRAHs can submit disputes against CRR Auction Invoice via the API or MIS CRRAHs can receive postings on MIS QSEs can begin DAM Bid submission (15 submission items) Market checkpoint calls begin to facilitate issues and readiness Daily Market Conference Bridge starts 11/23
Cut-Over Monthly Outlook – December May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Functional Area Network Model Settlements Congestion Revenue Rights Credit Market Management System Key Cut-Over Activities for December 2010 (12/01/10) Nodal Program: Nodal Go-Live (Operating Day 1) (12/3/2010) Settlements: Nodal Day Ahead Market Statement & Invoice Available (12/3/2010) Disputes: Disputes submitted to ERCOT for DAM Invoice (12/8/2010) Credit: Nodal Payment Due for OD12/01/2010 (12/9/2010) Credit: Nodal Payout for OD12/01/2010 (12/15/2010) Model: Network Model Load (12/13/2010) Settlements: Nodal Real-Time Statement Available (12/16/2010) Settlements: Nodal Real-Time Invoice Available (12/27/2010) Credit: Nodal Payment Due for Real-Time Invoice 12/16/10 (12/28/2010) Credit: Nodal Payout for Real-Time Invoice 12/16/10 MP Activities / Impacts Daily Market Calls continue for issue facilitation Settlement Calendar Extracts (See Emil for full list of postings) MPs receive 1st Nodal Invoice for DAM and RTM via MIS MPs can submit Disputes via MIS or API
Go-Live Sequence 5/22/2018 Market Readiness Seminar
CRR Cutover for CRR December Auction Day Date Activity Friday 10/1/2010 ERCOT initializes and validates CRR Production Database static data, Market Participant data, Time of Use data, Calendar Period data, and system parameters ERCOT CRR team publishes Activity Calendar for 2010 and 2011 with known corrections and updates to MIS Monday 10/4/2010 ERCOT CRR team pulls outages and model for 2010 December network model Wednesday 10/13/2010 ERCOT CRR team loads validated 2010 December network model into CRR system ERCOT CRR team prepares contracts and entitlements for 2010 December Allocation and loads into CRR system Thursday 10/14/2010 ERCOT will start accepting PCRR Nominations at 08:00:00 CPT for the 2010 December Monthly CRR Auction Tuesday 10/19/2010 PCRR Nomination for the 2010 December Monthly CRR Allocation must be received by ERCOT at 17:00:00 CPT 10/22/2010 TCR Auction Notice for December TCR Auction 10/25/2010 ERCOT CRR team pulls outages and model for 2011 January network model Tuesday 10/26/2010 ERCOT shall allocate PCRRs to NOIEs for the 2010 December Monthly CRR Auction ERCOT shall post CRR Network Model for the 2010 December Monthly CRR Auction 10/29/2010 ERCOT shall post the 2010 December Monthly CRR Auction Notice – ACL credit window opens, and ACL’s received from Credit will be visible in the CRR application 11/1/2010 Market Readiness Seminar
CRR Cutover for CRR December Auction Day Date Activity Monday 11/1/2010 Bidding for December 2010 TCR Auction begins at 08:00:00 CPT Wednesday 11/3/2010 Bidding for December 2010 TCR Auction ends at 14:00:00 CPT – last day for Account Holder to post collateral for the TCR Auction Thursday 11/4/2010 ERCOT CRR team loads validated 2011 January network model into CRR system ERCOT CRR team prepares contracts and entitlements for 2011 January Allocation and loads into CRR system Friday 11/5/2010 ERCOT will start accepting PCRR Nomination at 08:00:00 CPT for the 2011 January Monthly CRR Auction 11/8/2010 CRR Auction Lock Date for 2010 December Monthly CRR Auction at 17:00:00 CPT TCR Auction Collateral released Tuesday 11/9/2010 CRR Auction Bid Window Opens at 00:00:01 CPT for the 2010 December Monthly CRR Auction 11/11/2010 CRR Auction Bid Window Closes at 17:00:00 CPT for the 2010 December Monthly CRR Auction If total bid transactions exceed 200,000, ERCOT will notify Market Participants via the CRR Application Message facility that a second round bid window has opened – 2nd round bid window will be open from 18:00:00 CPT on Thursday, 11/11/2010 until 12:00:00 CPT on Friday, 11/12/2010 11/12/2010 ERCOT starts the Execution of the Auction Engine for the 2010 December Monthly CRR Auction PCRR Nomination for the 2011 January Monthly CRR Auction must be received by ERCOT at 17:00:00 CPT TCR December 2010 Auction Invoices Due 11/15/2010 ERCOT posts 2010 December Monthly CRR Auction results to Market at 01:00:00 CPT Auction Transactions sent to Settlements and Billing at 01:55:00 CPT 11/16/2010 CRR releases Locked Auction Funds for 2010 December Monthly CRR Auction at 16:30:00 CPT Settlement & Billing creates a 2010 December CRR Auction Invoice and sends in out electronically prior to 23:59:59 CPT Market Readiness Seminar
CRR Cutover for CRR December Auction Day Date Activity Wednesday 11/17/2010 ERCOT CRR team pulls outages and model for 2011 February network model Friday 11/19/2010 2010 December Monthly CRR Auction Invoices are due to ERCOT by 17:00:00 CPT ERCOT shall allocate PCRRs to NOIEs for the 2011 January Monthly CRR Auction ERCOT shall post CRR Network Model for the 2011 January Monthly CRR Auction Market Readiness Seminar
Refunding TCR’s for December 2010 TCR Auction Market Readiness Seminar
TCR and CRR Credit Limits Unsecured credit for TCR Auction Total unsecured credit limit was set as of Oct 1 EAL calculated from the October 21st Zonal Invoice will be used to determine Zonal exposure ERCOT will notify TCR Account Holders of how much unsecured credit is available for TCR auction by October 25th (Total unsecured less QSE exposure) Unsecured credit for CRR Auction EAL calculated from the October 28st Zonal Invoice will be used to determine Zonal exposure ERCOT will notify CRR Account Holders of how much unsecured credit is available for TCR auction by November 1st (Total unsecured less QSE exposure) October 14, 2010 Market Readiness Seminar
TCR and CRR Credit Limits TCR Collateral Disposition IMPORTANT REMINDER – TCR collateral “goes away” after the last TCR Auction Invoice is paid since TCRs are not referenced in the Nodal Protocols Guarantees or LCs currently in place for TCR auctions cannot be used for Nodal activity, including CRR auctions Language in those documents is specific to TCRs and retires with TCRs CPs should plan to replace (if they are not already) these collateral documents with collateral valid for Nodal (including CRRs) ERCOT will notify those that have these forms of collateral; however, each CP should double check internally about what is needed Note: Guarantees and LCs held for QSE activity ARE valid for Nodal activity, including CRRs, as well as QSE activity Cash collateral can be refunded or transferred to the Nodal collateral pool upon request Send requests to October 14, 2010 Market Readiness Seminar
December 2010 TCR and CRR Auction Overlap ERCOT will offer a December 2010 TCR Auction in addition to the December 2010 CRR Auction The TCR Auction will occur prior to the CRR Auction Collateral requirements for Auctions TCR collateral will be posted as it has historically been CRR collateral will be posted separately (similar to TCR collateral) for the December 2010 CRR auction (see later slides) The calendar activities for the Auctions overlap such that TCR Auction invoices are published prior to collateral being required for the CRR Auction but due to be paid after the CRR Auction lock date Note: There are 3 business days between when TCR Auction invoices are published and the CRR Auction lock date The overlap in activities is unavoidable given time constraints. Of course, participation is not required in either Auction. October 14, 2010 Market Readiness Seminar
December 2010 TCR and CRR Auction Overlap Counter-Parties(CPs) who desire to participate in both auctions have several options for managing their collateral during this period Post collateral for the TCR auction and separately for the CRR auction Disadvantage – may have to post higher levels of collateral for a period of days to accommodate both auctions Prepay their TCR invoice before the CRR Auction lock date and roll cash collateral to the CRR auction Advantage – avoid “doubling up” on collateral requirements for TCR and CRR auctions Reminder: Only TCR cash collateral can be “rolled over” Reduce collateral held for TCR invoice to invoice amount and roll collateral to the CRR auction October 14, 2010 Market Readiness Seminar
December 2010 CRR Auction Specifics As discussed in August and September, the initial CRR Auction (for December 2010) held in early November, will be handled as follows: Treated similarly to the current Zonal TCR Auctions Separate collateral posted If participating in both the TCR and CRR Auction, CP will need to coordinate collateral between the two auctions Process CPs will be notified of the unsecured credit available by November 1 To the extend additional credit is desired, CP must send collateral specifically earmarked for the December 2010 CRR Auction to ERCOT via wire transfer between October 28 and November 8 The combination of posted collateral and unsecured credit allocated by the CRRAH will be the ACL provided for the CRR Auction Available Credit Limits (ACL) viewable in CRR, not MIS ACLs will be viewable in the CRR Application beginning October 29, 2010 ACLs will be viewable only by CRR Account Holders and Counter-Parties and only in the CRR Application leading up to the December CRR Auction (e.g. CMM is in cutover and Credit Reports will not be available on MIS). October 14, 2010 Market Readiness Seminar
Cut-Over Monthly Outlook – Go-Live Sequence of Events Date Action Comments 11/15/2010 – 11/29/2010 ERCOT Initiates “Soft Start” to Nodal Market Go-Live ERCOT will run non-binding DAM, RUC daily per Nodal protocol timelines. RTM will remain Open Loop, but continue to publish base points and LMPs. Note that credit will be set high on 11/15 11/15/2010 Credit posts ACLs and TPEs for non-binding DAM First Credit Operating Day 11/16/2010 11/17/2010 Market now able to submit transactions for first Nodal Operating Day (T-14d) 12/01/2010 Operating now available for Market submissions 11/23/2010 QSEs with Resources required to submit 7 days of rolling COPs 12/01/2010 required on 11/23/2010 11/28/2010 2:00 PM – 11/28/2010 3:00 PM Generation and Frequency Control switched to Nodal systems QSEs will begin following Nodal base points Settlements will continue to be Zonal 11/28/2010 2:00 PM – 11/30/2010 11:59:59 QSEs remain on Nodal Control while settling Zonally 11/29/2010 Last Non- Binding DAM for operating day 11/30/2010 Market Readiness Seminar
Cut-Over Monthly Outlook – Go-Live Sequence of Events 11/30/2010 Go-Live Sequencing Time Action Comments up to 10:00 Bids and Offer submission QSE submit bids and offers 10:00 Close DAM Execute Dam Clearing Process 13:30 Approve DAM results Day Ahead results posted to MIS 1330-1430 COP Updates prior to DRUC 14:30 Close for RUC Begin Execution of DRUC 16:00 Approve DRUC Results Post DRUC Results 18:00 HRUC Begins Hourly Runs Market Readiness Seminar
Cut-Over Monthly Outlook – Go-Live Sequence of Events Key Zonal Notes for 11/30/2010 and 12/01/2010 QSEs will maintain: Balancing Energy Offers through Operating Day 12/01/2010 Submitted on 11/30 for OD 12/1 Resource Plans through Operating Day 12/01/2010 Maintained continuously through 12/01 to reflect actual Resource Plan Zonal Outages effective on Operating Day 12/01/2010 Examples: Actual Start / End, Forced Outages, etc On 11/30/2010 ERCOT will run: Zonal Ancillary Service Market Zonal awards will be published Zonal RPRS Run as a study only Zonal commitments will not be published Zonal prices will not be generated for 12/01/2010 No Zonal Submissions or Markets for Operating Day 12/02/2010 or later Note: that it will be required for MPs to maintain their Zonal telemetry for 30 days post go-live Market Readiness Seminar
Preliminary Credit Cutover Timeline Credit Assumptions For the soft start, ERCOT will calculate Total Potential Exposure (TPE) using a) Zonal data and b) binding Nodal data. No non-binding Nodal data will be included in the soft start TPE calculations. Collateral included will be actual collateral held. (details to follow in coming slides) At this point in the process, CPs should be working within real credit constraints preparatory to Go Live Given that the data used in the soft start TPE calculations is binding, ERCOT currently plans to use CMM exposures published beginning November 18th for BOTH a) the “soft start” period of Nodal and b) as the bases for binding Zonal collateral requirements
Preliminary Credit Cutover Timeline Deciding factors for this approach: The calculations in CMM using Zonal data produce substantially similar results to what is currently experienced in Zonal Exposure for binding Nodal activity prior to December 1, 2010 should be collateralized. CMM is the most efficient way to accomplish this Making the change for credit effective November 18th will allow both ERCOT and Counter-Parties time to work through any issues before the remainder of the market starts up Making the change for credit effective November 18th will reduce the confusion as to which set of reports (Zonal vs Nodal) to use between November 15th and November 30th
Preliminary Credit Cutover timeline Thursday, November 11th Zonal invoice published NOTE - last Zonal EAL credit calculation from which a collateral call will be made (system will be maintained through Go Live and will be available for a period beyond Go Live) The Zonal Invoice published on November 18th will be captured in CMM and Zonal collateral calls will be made based on exposure calculated in CMM using a) Zonal and b) binding Nodal data Monday, November 15th Initial DAM run in “soft start” - without CMM credit constraints “e” factors set at 1/0/1 Initial “soft start” TPE published TPEs in the “soft start” reflect real exposure and collateral only – no non-binding data will be included Non-binding - No collateral calls sent based on these calculations. However, TPE will be binding on November 18th , so CPs should plan to cover any deficit quickly Initial “soft start” ACL sent to CRR and DAM Tuesday, November 16th Initial DAM run in “soft start” – with CMM credit constraints
Preliminary Credit Cutover timeline Thursday, November 18th Zonal invoice published NOTE: CMM calculation of TPE will be used as a) the basis for the soft start Nodal ACL and b) the binding Zonal credit calculation from which a collateral call will be made The Zonal Invoice published on November 18th will be captured in CMM and Zonal collateral calls will be made based on exposure calculated in CMM using a) Zonal and b) binding Nodal data From this point forward, ERCOT will use the CMM calculation of TPE as the basis for determining credit exposure for both Zonal and Nodal Saturday/Sunday, November 20th – 21st CMM calculations will run, Credit Reports will be published and ACLs will be sent to CRR and DAM on non-business days Thursday - Sunday, November 25th - 28th – Thanksgiving holiday
Preliminary Credit Cutover timeline Monday, November 29th Zonal invoice published Send ACL for initial binding DAM (afternoon) Tuesday, November 30th Initial binding DAM “e” factors set at 1/0/1 Wednesday, December 1st – “Go Live”
Approach for establishing the initial exposures in CMM Nodal Soft start beginning November 15th Zonal binding collateral requirements beginning November 18th During this period – ERCOT will publish Credit Reports and send ACLs daily based on data that Includes Actual collateral held (including CRR collateral, excludes TCR collateral) Zonal data to establish TPE’s (more detail in 10/15/2010 Friday Market Call) Binding Nodal activity CRR inventory from December 2010 auction will impact FCE component (e.g. Obligations will be collateralized at the greater of the ACPE component of the FCE calculation and the Auction Clearing Price (ACP)) CRR Auction invoices will be reflected in CMM until paid First Priority Security Interest to the extent executed and perfected Excludes Non-binding Nodal activity resulting from soft start (e.g. DAM results, RT activity, etc)
Cut-Over Communication Plan 5/22/2018 Market Readiness Seminar
Nodal Cutover and Market Transition – Communication Plan Up until 11/23/2010, ERCOT will maintain the following communication channels: Friday Market Calls Starting 09/03/2010 at 9AM-12noon these calls will be combined, without breaks, into a single Market Trials and Cut-over Activities call Market Participants should plan on attending the full duration of this call as it will provide the primary means of communication between ERCOT and the Market. Information and materials covered in this call will continue to be posted to the ERCOT calendar website every Friday at the following URL: Monday Kick-Off Calls As needed to review the cutover activities for the week Market Notices and Market Participant Contact Lists ERCOT will continue to leverage Market Notices to communicate pertinent information that is required to be consumed by the Market as a whole. Market Participants employees can subscribe to the Market Notices on the ERCOT Lists website at the following URL: Market Participants may verify their contact information on file with ERCOT through their assigned Whole Client Services Representative. Market Readiness Seminar
Nodal Cutover and Market Transition – Communication Plan (Cont.) Market Participants Contacting ERCOT Market Trials email inbox: This inbox will continue to be maintained throughout Nodal Cutover. This will serve as a “catch-all” forum for questions if there is any doubt as to where a question should be submitted. Friday Market Calls: In line with the previously mentioned schedule, these Market Calls not only serve as the primary means for ERCOT to communicate to the Market, but also for MPs to field general questions concerning the Nodal Cutover plan. ICCP email inbox: for specific MP questions regarding their Nodal ICCP / Telemetry, this email address should be leveraged for the fastest response. ERCOT Wholesale Client Services Account Manager: Whenever possible MPs should leverage the Market Trials email inbox, however, MP’s Wholesale Client Services Account Manager will also be equipped to either answer your questions or route you to the correct support personnel. Nodal Advisory Task Force (NATF): NATF will serve as a forum for initially reviewing changes in activities during the ERCOT Nodal Cutover, NPRRs and any concerns from the Market that would impact the overall Cutover plan. To that end, NATF will be meeting more frequently to ensure expedient coverage of these types of issues. Details regarding meeting agendas and materials from past meetings will continue to be maintained at the following URL: Market Readiness Seminar
Go-Live Communication Strategy Nodal Cutover and Market Transition – Communication Plan (Cont.) Go-Live Communication Strategy Full Communication strategy for 11/23/2010 - Go-Live and initial Stabilization will be communicated in the final Market Readiness Seminar Market Readiness Seminar will occur in early November prior to the “Soft Start” on November 15, 2010 Full details on the next seminar will be published via a Market Notice and Friday Market call prior to 10/30/2010 Market Readiness Seminar
Reversion Plan 5/22/2018 Market Readiness Seminar
Reversion Plan Reversion Criteria Reversion will occur only if there is an inability to reliably control the Grid where no work-around exists and a resolution is not reasonably achievable This decision will be made by ERCOT Grid Operations and ERCOT Executive Management Reversion Process ERCOT will provide adequate Notice to the Market This will be communicated initially by Hotline call A Market Notice will immediately be routed following the Hotline call ERCOT will follow-up with detailed instructions via the Hotline Market Participants should maintain 24x7 on-call support Deciding Factors on Reversion Plan ERCOT has added a full week of Day Ahead and RUC “Soft Start” providing 15 days of lead into Go-Live ERCOT has installed nearly 58 hours of Nodal Control prior to Go-Live (in addition to the over 200 hours of previous LFC Tests) Any issue that would fit the criteria stated previously should be determined prior to Go-Live If such an issue should occur, ERCOT will follow the communication protocol stated above Market Readiness Seminar
Questions? 01 September 2010 Market Readiness Seminar