Living in Media World: 95% of people killed are men. Women never drive the car. 20% of males are law enforcers. There are very few people over the age of 30. No criminals are under 20 years old. No one eats except at restaurants, or goes to the bathroom. Amnesia is a common disease.
Representation The media does not present real life — they represent it by offering a selection of reality. The media version is said to be not a presentation, but a re-presentation.
Before you see a TV news report, choices have been made by the journalist, camera-operator, editor and the producer, that make the report only a small section of reality.
How representations work: A representation consists of repeated elements. The more we see these elements, the more it reinforces the representation.
How representations work: We are invited either to identify with or to recognise the representation.
How representations work: The media make categories of people, events or ideas. The Aged. The Unemployed. Teenagers.
How representations work: Representations contain a point of view. There is always a positive or negative value expressed about a particular group or event. These values belong to the media producers who make the product.
Stereotypes A stereotype is an oversimplified, clichéd image. It is repeated so many times that it seems to have established a pattern. It is a highly judgmental type of representation. Suggest some examples of stereotypes: NERD BIMBO EMO SNOB TERRORIST
Stereotypes Stereotypes are an extreme form of representation. They are constructed by a process of selection. Certain aspects are focused on and then exaggerated.
Teenager stereotypes: Glee
Important to remember: Stereotypes are simplistic portrayals of people- they do not exist in real life. Stereotypes do not fit all people, in all situations. Stereotypes can be limiting- there is an expectation of what a person can or can’t do.
Stereotypes in media: Stereotypes can be useful in media to communicate information about people very quickly. Stereotypes can be dangerous, because your audience may be offended by the portrayal of people in a stereotypical way.