Fanfare 2 Year 10 Composition
To practise writing down rhythms Learning Objectives To practise writing down rhythms To explore how to write antiphonal trumpet parts To learn what additive melody is and how to use it
Writing Down Rhythms Count the beats out loud What happens on each beat? Example: Questions Time 1 2 3 4 • • • 1 2 3 4
More Rhythms
Improvise a fanfare Start simple Develop gradually No overlapping Patterns? Changes of pace? Sections? Now do it in pairs and write it down
Tromba Lontana In what ways is this a typical fanfare? In what ways is it not? Describe the trumpet melody at the start How does the melody develop? How many different pitches does the trumpet use? How are the different rhythmic patterns are used?
Tromba Lontana Melody Note addition! (Additive melody) Definition Made up of long notes and short sustained ones Starts with just 2 notes, adds notes gradually
Composition Compose a duet for two trumpets Choose 5 or 6 pitches only and use them in your duet. Start with only one or two pitches You should include: Long and short notes Additive melodies Melodies which add more notes as they develop Antiphony Hints The best compositions use some melodic development. How could you develop your musical material? Like your minimalist compositions, less is more! Use two or three simple rhythmic ideas and see if you can develop them and extend them