Scottish Dances
Waltz Waltz is a dance with 3 beats in each bar. St Bernards Waltz, Volita, Pride of Erin
March A March has 2 or 4 beats in the bar and is used for Marching. Military Two Step
Reel A Reel is a fast dance with 2 or 4 beats in each bar. It makes great use of Quavers and Semiquavers Dashing White Sergeant
Composing a March A March has two beats in a bar. Here are some rhythms you can use.
You have now created a rhythm for your March Now you need to decide what rhythms you want to use in your 8 bar melody. Bars 5 & 6 should be the same as Bars 1 & 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 You have now created a rhythm for your March
Pentatonic Scale A pentatonic Scale is a five note scale. A pentatonic scale is the most common scale used in Scottish Music. Many famous Scottish melodies including Auld Lang Syne and Marie’s Wedding are based upon the pentatonic scale.
Pentatonic in G Can you name the notes in the pentatonic scale? B A D G E Can you name the notes in the pentatonic scale?
To compose your melody you now need to allocate a note from the Pentatonic Scale (B A D G E ) to each note of your rhythm. D E B A G A B A G B A D E B A G D E A G
Now you need to transcribe your melody onto the Stave 10