Partnership with AFP in Latin America Marissa Billowitz – IPPF/WHR Flor Hunt – IPPF/WHR Natalia Acevedo – PROFAMILIA Colombia Itamia Maria – PROFAMILIA Dominican Republic Esperanza Delgado – MEXFAM Mexico Remember to insert your institution and partner logos
Major Advocacy Wins Colombia: The municipality of Rionegro’s Secretary of Health included youth-friendly services in their Development Plan. Dominican Republic: The Ministry of Public Health developed and validated an adolescent health services protocol including monitoring by civil society. Mexico: The Director of the Ministry of Health’s National Center of Gender Equality and Reproductive Health approved the piloting of a social monitoring tool in three states to improve youth access to contraception. Spotlight 2-3 major advocacy accomplishments. Participants will receive a full list of quick wins per country – what key achievements do you want them to remember? Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 2
Ongoing objectives Colombia: Pilot the SRH services model and ensure that the policy is implemented. Once implemented, work to replicate in other municipalities. Dominican Republic: With the protocol in place, ensure an adequate budget for training of staff and service delivery, and instruments in place to monitor the quality of services for youth. Mexico: Once the pilot programs are completed, MEXFAM will urge the government to assign a budget for the social monitoring tool in the 2017 FY budget and the adoption of the program nationally. Don’t list everything – discuss the 3-4 major objectives you are focusing on this year. Remember that participants will receive a copy of the full advocacy objectives for each partner in a separate handout. These read too much like the advocacy wins…it’s unclear what next steps are/new objectives as a result of the advocacy wins (something more like the next slide which has ongoing objectives but also next steps would provide a better snapshot of the project). Mention here how these steps will lead to impact: Colombia: The inclusion of the model in the development plans was crucial to assign budget to youth-friendly services. Dominican Republic: New protocol will be implemented this year, improving SRH services for adolescents. Mexico: Young people in Oaxaca, Hidalgo and San Luis Potosi will be beneficiaries of the pilot project. Have improved access this year to contraception as a sexual right, due to implementation of the social monitoring tool and implementation of recommendations Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 3
From Advocacy Wins to Impact Colombia: The inclusion of the model in the development plans was crucial to assign budget to youth-friendly services. Dominican Republic: New protocol will be implemented this year, improving SRH services for adolescents. Mexico: The secretaries of health in Oaxaca, Hidalgo and San Luis Potosi will have identified obstacles and gaps facing youth in accessing contraceptives. The national secretary of health will have a tested social accountability model incorporated into their M&E framework. Show how your quick win is achieving impact – either through budgets allocated, stock-outs reduced, services improving, contraceptive use increasing, etc. Discuss how the wins will lead to this impact…not clear from the bullet points alone The national secretary of health will have a tested social accountability model as part of their M&E framework and a budget to ensure resources for its implementation. Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 4
Our Challenges and Opportunities Addressing inequity within countries with high CPR Existence of no cost public SRH services for youth, yet barriers to access and quality concerns remain Adapting IPPF's and AFP's advocacy tools into a joint methodology that addresses short and long term opportunities and objectives Incorporating the results cascade to document advocacy wins and impact Focus on short-term advocacy wins Capitalize on existing alliances with decision makers Receptive ministries of health open to youth led social monitoring and willing to open clinics to public monitoring Discuss a challenge to/opportunity for your advocacy or pose a question that you would like answered. Focus on short-term advocacy wins that generate momentum for long term results Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 5
Latin America Include an image of where you work in your country, or other images/photos, charts, or graphics Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 6