New Intake Transition Meeting Reception New Intake Transition Meeting
Welcome and Introductions Mrs Ruff- Welcome, Core Values, School Ethos, Behaviour Policy
Transition Planned to gradually prepare children for the start of their full time school life Mrs Atkinson visits Pre-schools and Nurseries Two afternoons before the summer within the school Whole School Transition Afternoon Teddy Bears’ Picnic Two weeks staggered intake in September My New School book including Louis! All about me book Talk about importance of transition- results in children settling quickly and being ready to learn when they come into school. Visits to early years settings- can arrange if not visited yet. Explain what we will do on 5 visit afternoons Teddy Bears Picnic Whole School Transition Afternoon. 3 Weeks staggered intake- introduce class routines to small group. More individual attention- build good relationships with children. Social Story books in welcome pack.
The Foundation Stage Pure reception class Nursery/ Preschool and Reception Balance of teacher led and child initiated learning Learning through play- ‘Discovery Time.’ Access to outside learning Work towards Early Learning Goals 3 prime areas of learning and 4 specific areas. Building Strong Foundations Synthetic Phonics On line learning journey Special Book in school
The Early Learning Areas Prime Physical development Personal, Social & Emotional Communication & Language Specific Literacy Mathematics Expressive Art & Design Understanding the World
The Learning Environment Variety of inside and outside space Value role play Free access to resources Quiet areas inside and out Resources organised to reflect all areas of learning
Class Structure Class Teachers 1 full time Teaching Assistant - Mrs Atkinson - Miss Bell 1 full time Teaching Assistant
Preparing your child Dressing- Coat zips and buttons, turning clothes inside out and socks! Using a knife and fork Toileting Writing their own name correctly Counting songs or counting objects
Healthy Schools! Hot school Meals Milk Fruit Scheme
Uniform Water bottle and Reading Folder are provided. Uniform PE Kit Outdoor Learning
Breakfast Club and After School Club