Surreal / pop art Inspired Collage painting Level 2-painting Surreal / pop art Inspired Collage painting
Roy Lichtenstein Drowning Girl (1963) Featured thick outlines, bold colors and Benday Dots to represent certain colors, as if created by photographic reproduction. Abstract Expressionists "put things down on the canvas and responded to what they had done, to the color positions and sizes. My style looks completely different, but the nature of putting down lines pretty much is the same; mine just don't come out looking calligraphic, like Pollock's or Kline's."
Salvador Dali Swans Reflecting Elephants Dalí's expansive artistic repertoire includes film, sculpture, and photography, in collaboration with a range of artists in a variety of media. Dalí was highly imaginative, and also had an affinity for partaking in unusual and grandiose behavior, in order to draw attention to himself.
Max Ernst The Elephant Celebes His alter ego in paintings, which he called Loplop, was a bird. Ernst is considered to be one of the primary pioneers of Dada movement and Surrealism.