Sundial Engineering Design Project (EDP) Academy of Aerospace and Engineering
Background Sundials have been made since ancient times as a way to tell time based on the Sun’s motion through the sky. Sundials can be made using many geometric shapes and orientations. Making a sundial requires a knowledge of astronomy, geometry, and craftsmanship, so it is a fitting project for you. Four-sided Sundial in Woods Hole, MA
Design Brief PROBLEM: The academy’s theme is aerospace science and engineering, so it needs decorative features that promote this theme. SOLUTION: Design and build a sundial that can be displayed outside the academy and promote the academy theme. CRITERIA: The sundial must clearly promote the theme of aerospace science and engineering. The sundial may incorporate some or all of the tailfin sign behind the academy, it may be a stand-alone object, or it may be put on a wall of the academy, but it must be near enough the academy to be clearly associated with it. The sundial may be of any shape or orientation, but it must be big enough to be clearly visible and simple enough that anyone may be able to tell time with it. The requirement to fulfill this project is to build a full-scale or scale model prototype and present it to school authorities for approval. CONSTRAINTS: The sundial must be built of weatherproof materials, though the prototype may be made of any materials. The sundial must be fixed in place and not easily moved. The sundial must be built with available resources or using a reasonable budget. The final design presentation and prototype must be ready by April 28, 2017 and will be presented to school authorities in early May.
Modified Presentation Rubric This rubric is for your crew presentation; all individuals will also be graded using EDP Rubric. Area of Presentation Exemplary 25 points/block Satisfactory 21 points/block Marginal 17 points/block Unsatisfactory 13 points/block Design meets criteria Perfect compliance: All criteria are met with excellence. General compliance: Criteria are met satisfactorily. Marginal compliance: Criteria are met marginally. MIssed > 1 item(s): One or more criteria are not met. Design meets constraints All constraints are met with excellence. Constraints are met satisfactorily. Constraints are met marginally. One or more constraints are not met. Format & Prototype Presentation is well organized with a clear introduction and conclusion. Slides or visual aids are clear and professional. Prototype is well crafted and displays design accurately, and it tells time accurately. Presentation is fairly well organized with an introduction and conclusion. Slides or visual aids are clear but have some errors. Prototype is fairly well crafted and displays design fairly accurately, and it tells time fairly accurately. Presentation is not very clear, or is missing an introduction or conclusion. Slides or visual aids unprofessional. Prototype is poorly crafted or displays design inaccurately, and it tells time inaccurately. Presentation is completely unclear or disorganized. Prototype is missing or has missing parts, or it fails to tell time. Teamwork All crew members participate fully, and all have significant speaking parts during the presentation. All speak clearly to audience. Most crew members participate fully, and most have significant speaking parts during the presentation. Most speak clearly to audience. Few crew members participate fully, or few have significant speaking parts during the presentation. Few speak clearly to audience. One crewmember has clearly done all the work. None speak clearly to audience.
Research Sources Comprehensive website for the Shadows software, used for making sundials, and explaining all aspects of sundials: Wikipedia site on sundials – very comprehensive: North American Sundial Society’s website: Explanation of the analemma, the figure eight shape that the Sun’s position at a set time every day makes in the sky over the course of a year:
Closing What do you think is the biggest challenge with this EDP? HOMEWORK: Read all the research resources posted on Google Classroom, then post a summary of what you learned. Use these as your primary sources, but you may use others—list all sources in your design presentation.