Chapter 3 Gender Now 1
It Matters: The Biological Foundations of Gender Sex is Not Gender Sex Gender 2
Biological Sex: The Foundation of Gender Terms: Sexual reproduction Fertilization Sperm Ovum Homogametic sex Heterogametic sex 3
Male and Female The Role of Sex Hormones Estrogens Progesterone Androgens 4
Internal Sex Organs: Male, Female, Undifferentiated 5
List of Homologous Structures 6
Sex Differentiation in the Prenatal Brain The role of androgen and estrogen receptors Sex differential of the brain is dependent on the presence or absence of estradiol. The conversion of androgen to estrogen in the prenatal brain is the underlying cause of brain sex differentiation. 7
Somewhere Between “Male” and “Female” Terms: Intersex/intersexual Hermaphrodite Female pseudohermaphrodite Male pseudohermaphrodite 8
Turner Syndrome One of two X chromosomes is absent The dropped chromosome results in failure to develop ovaries, rendering her infertile Affected females are often short, have learning delays, and heart, kidney and thyroid problems 9
Klinefelter Syndrome Extra X chromosome is present, resulting in XXY pattern Affecting 1 in 500 male births Smaller-than-normal testes that produce no sperm Affected males often have round body type, taller than brother/father, enlarged breasts, and little facial or body hair 10
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Characterized by an abnormality of the X chromosome The gonads within the abdomen may be male, but the baby is born with feminized external genitalia 11
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) Sex hormone disorder – external genitalia of genetic females are masculinized because of excessive androgens Affects 1 in 13,000-16,000 people Affected females have vagina, can have intercourse, and give birth 12
Sex Reassignment: “John/Joan” Case Born male, Bruce Reimer underwent sex reassignment surgery and was raised as a girl. He later transitioned back to being a male, but ultimately killed himself at 38. 13
Current Medical Management The Intersex Society of North America Current medical protocol regarding ambiguous genitalia or intersex children is that gender assignment is based on DNA 14
It Matters: The Culture of Gender 15
Gender Roles: The Making of Male or Female, Masculine or Feminine 16
Masculinity: “Doing” Male Hegemonic Masculinity Racial and Ethnic Differences: The cool pose Machismo 17
Femininity: “Doing” Female Racial and Ethnic Differences Marianismo Body Image Changes across time 18
Body Shapes and Media 19
Body Shapes and Media 20
Body Shapes and Media 21
Gender Polarization: Complementary Opposites – or Inequality Terms: Gender stereotypes Gender polarization/bipolar gender Sexism Gender inequality Wage gap Confidence gap 22
Gender Differences in Annual Median Income, by Education
Self-Confidence of First-Year College Students, by Gender
It Matters: Gender Identity Gender Identity vs. Sexual Orientation Androgyny Transgender Transsexual Gender dysphoria Sexual Reassignment Surgery Transvestite
Sexual Life Education Concluding Points 26