Simvastatin pretreatment reduces the severity of limb ischemia in an experimental diabetes model  Cüneyt Köksoy, MD, Erpulat Oziş, MD, Atıl Çakmak, MD,


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Presentation transcript:

Simvastatin pretreatment reduces the severity of limb ischemia in an experimental diabetes model  Cüneyt Köksoy, MD, Erpulat Oziş, MD, Atıl Çakmak, MD, Uğur Yazgan, PhD, Aylin Okcu-Heper, MD, Aslıhan Köksoy, MD, PhD, Ediz Demirpençe, MD, U. Deniz Dinçer, MD, PhD  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 45, Issue 3, Pages 590-596 (March 2007) DOI: 10.1016/j.jvs.2006.10.048 Copyright © 2007 The Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig 1 The appearance of gastrocnemius muscles stained with nitroblue tetrazolium dye just before planimetry. A, Viable muscle stained dark, and (B) nonviable muscle remained pale and unstained. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2007 45, 590-596DOI: (10.1016/j.jvs.2006.10.048) Copyright © 2007 The Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig 2 Box plots show the extent of skeletal muscle edema and necrosis determined by the ratio of the wet to dry tissue weight of the gastrocnemius sections. Whiskers show quartile ranges. *P < .05, ‡P < .01, and †P < .001. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2007 45, 590-596DOI: (10.1016/j.jvs.2006.10.048) Copyright © 2007 The Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig 3 Box plots show the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), and myeloperoxidase (MPO) in the experimental groups. Whiskers show quartile ranges. *P < .05, ‡P < .01. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2007 45, 590-596DOI: (10.1016/j.jvs.2006.10.048) Copyright © 2007 The Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions