Negotiation video conference , Involvement of Lao CSO in the development process of timber legality definition (TLD) in the FLEGT/VPA Process In Laos Negotiation video conference , 11 October 2016 Mrs. Vansy Senyavong, Director of MHP (Women Mobilizing for Development), Lao CSO FLEGT Committee Member
CSO Technical Experts (3) Network Committee Five CSO Representatives Coordination (1) National International Awareness raising Media production Network coordination Village consultations and dissemination CSO Technical Experts (3) Involved in VPA Thematic Expert Groups Information/documents Project Plan Monitoring/Evaluation Research/development Training/Seminar Donor coordination Responsibility: Mrs. Vansy Dr. Chanthavy Secretariat (1) Coordination Management/admin. Financial/accountant Meeting Organization In/Out documents Meeting minute Mr. Sisavath Network 19 CSO Members
Purpose and goal Our common goal is to work together to strengthen our Lao CSOs to grow and achieve a high level of support and engagement in the process of FLEGT through group collaboration, leadership growth, and individual understanding. We will use our combined group strengths to support any steps of voluntary process to achieve VPA.
CORE VALUES ATMOSPHERE Team members will facilitate a supportive environment showing respect for each team member. We will not criticize ideas and will communicate effectively to mitigate conflict. We will never be competitive within the team, but will achieve the highest level of performance possible
CSO Challenges in the VPA Role of CSO is not always clear CSO are unsure of what type of inputs are wanted from other stakeholders Complexity of VPA is difficult to follow Time commitments/requirement are high CSO are new to international forest governance work
Addressing Challenges Ongoing capacity building needed Examples: Legal assessment; network coordination; research and analysis skills Ongoing support for management and development of network The network needs to be more coordinated, effective and efficient Timber and forest-related projects Few organizations have relevant experience, and lack resources to dedicate time and personnel to FLEGT Acceptance by stakeholders CSOs are most engaged when their experiences are valued and are part of the dialogue Note: These have all improved through support received, but challenges remain
CSO Expectations from VPA Increased equality amongst stakeholders (poor and rich) involved in forest governance Better quality of CSO leadership when working was a network and linking with other stakeholders Increased transparency between private sector, government, CSO and forest dependent communities Stronger solidarity between CSO, government and private sector/peaceful relations CSO recognized by government as a valuable stakeholder in forest governance.
Benefits of CSO involve in VPA Created space for Lao CSO in national and international levels in forest governance Committee has gained skills in leadership Expanding link/connection to other country CSO and international organisations Bring the voice of forest dependent communities to the national level and bring examples of good forest governance to communities
CSO Priorities Good governance and fair enforcement of forestry law Enforcement of law should be consistent against all violators Sharing of benefits Benefits should reach lowest levels of communities Tracking of benefits Inspection and monitoring of forestry-impacting investment Especially non-timber concessions (i.e. infrastructure and agriculture projects) Community participation Villagers should be part of decisions that impact their village Communities need to receive information and training; need mechanism for raising concerns Timber information should be made available to communities and all stakeholders
CSO Strategic plan Strategic objective 1 Informed Lao CSO member organisations and forest dependant communities participate in discussions to improve forest governance in Laos through the VPA process Strategic objective 2. Lao CSO network members and forest dependent communities are capable of meaningfully contributing to the VPA/FLEGT process
Strategic Objective 3. Forest dependant communities are supported by CSO’s to generate income from the sustainable management of their forests Objective added for CSO’s to undertake activities directly with communities Strategic Objective 4. The accountability of relevant government agencies and wood industries is increased through the participation of CSO’s . Objective revised to focu on transparency