LHCb report G. Passaleva (INFN – Florence) On behalf of the LHCb collaboration 35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting – CERN April 24, 2017
35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting Russia and LHCb LHCb is the dedicated heavy flavor physics experiment at LHC Search for indirect evidence of new physics in CP-violation and rare decays of b and c hadrons Russia is a much-valued and long- standing contributor to LHCb Russian groups have major responsibilities for CALORIMETER and MUON systems Russian colleagues lead many analysis areas on the experiment Andrei Golutvin spokesperson 2008-2011 calorimeters Muon system COMPUTING 24/04/2017 35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting
35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting Russia and LHCb 9 institutes +1 applying to join ITEP KI INR BINP TPU Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina (PNPI) Institute of Theoretical & Experimental Physics, Moscow (ITEP) Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University (SINP MSU) Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAS) National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Moscow (NRC KI) Yandex School of Data Analysis, Moscow (YSDA) Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk (BINP) Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk (TPU) PNPI IHEP MSU YSDA applying to join Russia comprises around 8% of LHCb, a larger fraction than in any other LHC collaboration 24/04/2017 35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting
Russia and the LHCb upgrade 6 m Russia has a leading role in the upgrade of LHCb which will be installed in 2019-2020. Contributions to the Calorimeter system upgrade Key contribution to the construction of the scintillating fibre tracker ,“SciFi”, the largest (~360 m2) and most technologically challenging scintillating fibre tracker ever built. 5 m Fibre winding wheel 24/04/2017 35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting
Russia and the LHCb upgrade Mass production of scintillating fibre modules has just started at Kurchatov Institute in Moscow (Production Readiness Review this Thursday) KI is expected to produce a large fraction of fibre mats: this implies a considerable contruction effort running 7/7 days for a period of >1 year, to be in time for the SciFi tracker installation in 2019. Given the excellence of Russian scientists, engineers and scientific infrastructures we are confident that this ambitious goal can be reached if Kurchatov group receives soon adequate financial and manpower support Fibre mat construction in the temporary clean room at KI Winding wheels produced in Russia (Bryansk) 24/04/2017 35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting
Russia and the LHCb upgrade Russia is a major contributor to the LHCb Upgrade (See Addenda N.01 and 02, CERN-RRB- 2012-119A and CERN-RRB-2014-105 to the Memorandum of Understanding). The corresponding financial commitments comprise 3 MCHF towards CORE items, and 1.2 MCHF of CORE common project items contributions. The most significant Russian contribution to the LHCb Phase-I Upgrade is to the construction of the scintillating-fibre (SciFi) tracker: A contribution of 1.1 MCHF is expected from Russia to purchase the fibres which are being supplied right now: this contribution is of the highest priority for the success of LHCb upgrade ! A crucial contribution to the construction of the SciFi tracker is expected from Kurchatov Institute: full financial and manpower support to this group is urgent and of vital importance. 24/04/2017 35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting
35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting Summary LHCb is producing a large number of beautiful physics results with leading contributions from many excellent Russian colleagues: we warmly thank the Russian Institutions for the invaluable support given to our collaboration. LHCb is preparing a challenging upgrade, with key Russian contributions: we are wholeheartedly grateful to Russia for the attention given to this project and we count on the full support to the major items under the responsibility of Russian groups as well as to the common project items. We very much hope that long-standing Russian participation in LHCb can continue also for the future upgrades now under discussion (see the Expression of Interest CERN-LHCC-2017-003 ). The excellence of Russian scientists would be invaluable in many areas of this project, one being for example, the construction of a new tungsten-based sampling electromagnetic calorimeter. 24/04/2017 35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting
Спасибо за внимание! Thank you! Spasibo za vnimaniye 24/04/2017 35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting