Imaging Windows 10 Tablets Rising to the Surface Imaging Windows 10 Tablets
The Problem Imaging MS Surface tablets & Dell Venues for immediate & future deployments Customize the image with standard Start Menu, icons, bookmarks, etc. Can we do this quickly and at a low cost? Can we do it with minimal staff time?
UEFI, Secure Boot, PXE Boot Frustrations
Possible Solutions Windows 10 System Restore Quick, easy, cheap (really cheap); portable Ghost – had issues with PXE boot and UEFI MS Deployment Services Need a SysAdmin; time; configuration; support; etc. Did I say “need a SysAdmin”?
Shameless Recruiting Commercial Windows Infrastructure Admin Windows Server 2008/12 Printing, DHCP, AD, GP
What do you need? Surface (Windows 10) Tablet with image and customizations Bootable USB Drive with Windows 10 Google “Rufus” – free app – works great 32 or 64 bit – depends on your hardware Somewhere to store the image 2nd USB Drive Network DVD
Prepping the Image Customizing the Start Menu Bookmarks, icons, theme Applications & Updates Clean Up Capture image with Windows System Image
Restoring the Image Boot to Windows Restore System Image
Deploying the Image PowerShell Script Sysprep with Copy Profile Removes the built-in apps Sysprep with Copy Profile Other setting changes Registry edit for Shell Folders under Current User Boot legacy mode for BitLocker