Families Against Mandatory Minimums Maryland Poll Results FAMM.org Families Against Mandatory Minimums Maryland Poll Results Key findings from a Maryland Survey Conducted November 17-19, 2015
Method Harper Polling surveyed 400 likely voters in the state of Maryland. Responses were gathered through land line and cell phone interviews using live operators. The polling was conducted November 17-19, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 4.89%. FAMM.org
70% of Maryland voters favor repealing mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent drug offenders. Q: Some have proposed eliminating mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent drug offenders, giving judges the ability to make sentencing decisions in the context of each individual case. Do you favor or oppose repealing mandatory minimums for non-violent drug offenders? 25% somewhat favor 45% strongly favor FAMM.org
78% of Maryland voters agree that the state spends too much money locking up nonviolent drug offenders. Q: Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Maryland spends too much money locking up nonviolent drug offenders and should shift some funding to other priorities, like drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation programs that can stop addicts from becoming repeat offenders.” 19% somewhat agree 5% somewhat disagree 59% strongly agree 9% strongly disagree FAMM.org
46% of Maryland voters oppose mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Q: Mandatory minimum sentencing laws require prison stays of pre-determined lengths for certain crimes. Judges are not permitted to consider relevant information about the case prior to issuing a mandatory minimum sentence as required by law. Do you favor or oppose mandatory minimum sentencing laws? 18% somewhat oppose 28% strongly oppose FAMM.org
57% of Maryland voters are more likely to favor repeal of mandatory minimums for non-violent drug offenders after learning of other states’ experiences. Q: Over the past decade, Republicans and Democrats in more than a dozen states have either repealed or reformed their mandatory minimum sentencing laws for nonviolent drug offenses. In every state, crime and prison costs have gone down. Does this information make you more likely or less likely to favor repealing mandatory minimums for non-violent drug offenses? 22% somewhat more likely 5% somewhat less likely 35% much more likely 10% much less likely FAMM.org
50% of Maryland voters favor repealing mandatory minimums for gun possession during a drug offense. Q: Some have proposed eliminating mandatory minimum sentences for gun possession during a drug offense, giving judges the ability to make sentencing decisions in the context of each individual case. Do you favor or oppose repealing mandatory minimums for gun possession during a drug offense? 19% somewhat favor 10% somewhat oppose 31% strongly favor 30% strongly oppose FAMM.org
66% of Maryland voters would reserve harsher penalties for drug dealers who use a gun to help them commit a crime. Q: Please consider the following scenario. One drug dealer uses a gun to help him commit his crime. Another drug dealer owns a gun but does not use or even carry it when committing his crime. Which dealer should be punished more harshly: the dealer who uses his gun to help him commit the drug crime OR the dealer who owns a gun but does not use it to commit the drug crime? 66% 24% FAMM.org
Demographics Phone Type Cell 32% Landline 68% Ideology Conservative Moderate 38% Liberal 31% Gender Male 46% Female 54% Race White 61% African-American 25% Hispanic or Latino 3% Other 11% Age 18 to 39 15% 40 to 54 30% 55 to 65 27% 66 or older 28% FAMM.org
HarperPolling. com info@HarperPolling HarperPolling.com info@HarperPolling.com 121 State Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 FAMM.org