Defense Information Systems Agency A Combat Support Agency Interoperability Testing and Policy Tim Taylor and Capt Pat Akers Action Officers National Intelligence Portfolio 20 - 21 March 2012
The Future of Joint Interoperability CJCSI 6212.01F and DoDI 8330.x are currently in staffing NR-KPP manual and Interoperability Process Guide to be developed to assist PMs New NR-KPP attributes Support military operations Enter and be managed in the network Exchange information DODAF 2.0 based architectures
Drivers of Change This instruction is being de-scoped to only define and provide guidance on generating the Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP) CJCSI 6212.01 De-scoping orphans necessary policies/processes not defined in the higher-level DoDD/I 4630 series DoD CIO DoD CIO assuming overall responsibility for joint interoperability (Statutorily always a DoD CIO responsibility) DoD CIO Intent is to provide guidance to fill policy vacuum from CJCSI 6212.01 de-scoping that does not significantly perturb policy through an interim period, waiting for DoDI 8330.x (will replace 4630 series) to modify policy (~ 12 to 18 months)
Coming Changes to Guidance Current State Interim State End State DoDD 4630.5 DoDD 4630.5 Significant policy changes expected DoDI 4630.8 DoDI 8330.x Clarifications DoDI 4630.8 Clarifications DoD CIO Interim Guidance Memo ISPs, Waivers, ICTOs Process Guide aligned with policy changes CJCSI 6212.01 Certification Process Interoperability Process Guide Interoperability Process Guide DoD NR-KPP Definition Joint Staff CJCSI 6212.01 CJCSI 6212.01 DISA (JITC)
Joint Interoperability Test Certification Overview Provide an overview of the policies, processes and procedures for assessing compliance with the Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter The purpose of this briefing is to discuss the policies, processes and procedures for assessing compliance with the NR-KPP. We will mostly focus on the processes and procedures for testing, but will provide a brief summary overview of the policies that govern interoperability as well. Goal: Establish a measurable, testable, and operationally relevant approach to Joint interoperability (IOP) engineering, test, evaluation & certification (TE&C)
Joint Interoperability Test Certification Overview NR-KPP Elements: Compliant Solution Architectures Net-Centric Data and Services Strategy GIG Technical Guidance Information Assurance Supportability DT OT IOP **Note: The NR-KPP is being redefined in the new version of CJCSI 6212.01, tentatively scheduled to be released in the Fall of 2012 So, now that we know the policies that govern the joint interoperability process, let’s look at what is actually required for the certification. First, JITC must evaluate a system for compliance with each element of the NR-KPP. The NR-KPP is the metric that we use to determine whether or not a system will received a Joint Interoperability certification. It is important to note that there is no such thing as an “NR-KPP Certification” – the proper term for the certification is “Joint Interoperability Test Certification” and it is given upon demonstration of compliance with the NR-KPP. When we are evaluating a system for joint interoperability, we use data collected during DT, OT, demonstrations, exercises, or any other reliable source of information. At JITC, we always aim to leverage data and test events from DT and OT to the maximum extent possible, in order to reduce or eliminate the need to conduct separate interoperability testing. This is why it is so important to be involved with programs early in the life cycle. By being involved early, we are able to influence or participate in test events that can be used to collect data for interoperability certification. In the long run, a Program Manager saves money by funding JITC’s early involvement because the need for separate interoperability test events is greatly reduced. The NR-KPP elements define the areas JITC evaluates for interoperability certification JITC uses data collected during DT, OT, demonstrations, exercises, or other reliable sources for interoperability evaluations Expires after 4 years, or upon changes affecting interoperability (system or environment) Success = Minimizing separate interoperability testing by leveraging DT/OT
NR-KPP Statement KPP Threshold Objective Net-Ready: The capability, system, and/or service must support Net-Centric military operations. The capability, system, and/or service must be able to enter and be managed in the network, and exchange data in a secure manner to enhance mission effectiveness. The capability, system, and/or service must continuously provide survivable, interoperable, secure, and operationally effective information exchanges to enable a Net-Centric military capability. The capability, system, and/or service must fully support execution of joint critical operational activities and information exchanges identified in the DoD Enterprise Architecture and solution architectures based on integrated DODAF content, and must satisfy the technical requirements for transition to Net-Centric military operations to include: Solution architecture products compliant with DoD Enterprise Architecture based on integrated DODAF content, including specified operationally effective information exchanges Compliant with Net-Centric Data Strategy and Net-Centric Services Strategy, and the principles and rules identified in the DoD Information Enterprise Architecture (DoD IEA), excepting tactical and non-IP communications Compliant with GIG Technical Guidance to include IT Standards identified in the TV-1 and implementation guidance of GIG Enterprise Service Profiles (GESPs) necessary to meet all operational requirements specified in the DoD Enterprise Architecture and solution architecture views Information assurance requirements including availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation, and issuance of an Interim Authorization to Operate (IATO) or Authorization to Operate by the Designated Accrediting Authority (DAA), and Supportability requirements to include SAASM, Spectrum and JTRS requirements. The capability, system, and/or service must fully support execution of all operational activities and information exchanges identified in the DoD Enterprise Architecture and solution architectures based on integrated DODAF content, and must satisfy the technical requirements for transition to Net-Centric military operations to include: This is the NR-KPP statement taken directly from CJCSI 6212.01E. A common question across DoD is whether or not the NR-KPP is actually measurable and testable. If you read through this statement, it is very easy to see how one might think that this KPP is, in fact, not testable. The important thing to recognize is that this statement is merely a framework for evaluation, and not the actual “system-level” requirements that are evaluated.
NR-KPP Requirements Source The actual measurable and testable requirements for evaluation are taken from a program’s architecture products. These ARE in fact testable. So, let’s look at a specific example. While the NR-KPP statement says that a system will be compliant with DISR TV-1 standards, the actual TV-1 says WHICH standards that system must comply with. The NR-KPP statement says you must have “operationally effective information exchanges” – but the SV-6 actually says what those exchanges are, and what the performance requirements are that would qualify them as being “operationally effective”. So, it is important to understand that while the NR-KPP statement itself may not be sufficient for developing test criteria, when viewed in the context of a program’s architecture products, it provides a comprehensive framework for evaluating joint interoperability.
CJCSI 6212.01F will have details on completing this template The Future of NR-KPP (Draft) Template CJCSI 6212.01F will have details on completing this template 26
The Future of NR-KPP Example
Contact Information & Resources Hotline 1-800-538-JITC (5482) Joint Interoperability Tool (JIT) Lessons Learned reports NATO Interface Guide System Tracking Program (STP) Test events, plans, reports, certifications NR-KPP Helpdesk NR-KPP Testing Guidebook CJCSI 6212 Resource Page E-ISP Tool
Questions? Tim Taylor Capt Pat Akers Action Officer, National Intelligence Portfolio Action Officer, National Intelligence Portfolio Joint Interoperability Test Command Joint Interoperability Test Command