Room 16 Open House Please sit at your child’s desk Mrs. Morgan’s Class Room 16 Open House Please sit at your child’s desk
Daily Schedule 8:30 - 9:00 Grammar/Writing 9:00 - 9:45 Social Studies (snack) 9:45 – 10:30 Science with Mr. Knobbe 10:35 - 11:25 Special 11:30 - 12:15 Lunch 12:20 - 1:20 Math 1:25-1:45 Recess/Study Hall 1:45 - 3:05 Reading/Writing
Mathematics – Teacher Varies Common Core Mathematics - inquiry-based learning with an emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills Five Units: Ratios and Proportional Relationships Number System Expressions and Equations Geometry Statistics and Probability Focus on Math Vocabulary using Math Journal
Mathematics Grading Math practice/homework is graded daily for completion on a 3-point scale (Tallied at the end of each week for a grade) 3 points - assignment is complete AND work is shown 2 points - more than half is complete AND work is shown 1 point - less than half is complete 0 points - incomplete or missing Review of skills worksheet given daily with a quiz on Friday
Science with Mr. Knobbe DISCOVERY SCIENCE – web-based science curriculum for the “digital learner.” (Science Binder) Online simulations, videos, reading passages Taught through informational reading lessons, demonstrations, and investigations Science Videos can be viewed at home. At times, they will be assigned to watch these at home. Ask them about this. Be sure they click the “marked as complete” button on the screen. Topics of study include: Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Populations, Fossils and Geological time, The Rock Cycle, Weathering and Soil Formation, Matter and Energy
Social Studies Study of the Western Hemisphere Lessons will focus on geography, history, and cultures Note-taking will be emphasized “Mini-Society” economics unit will begin in January Social Studies Binder
Language Arts - Reading Whole group instruction Leveled small group instruction Independent novels - silent reading Weekly quizzes on assigned chapters Distict novels - whole group instruction Ella Enchanted, The Cay, Jason’s Gold
Language Arts – Reading and Writing Reading Skills Grammar Skills Vocabulary Study – Test on Friday 6 + 1 Traits of Writing Variety of text structures including narrative, informative, and argumentative
Spelling Assignments given on Monday and due on Friday for credit Spelling test on Friday
D.A.R.E. Drug Abuse Resistance Education class is taught by the Macomb County Sheriff’s Department. Deputy Twomey will teach the class again this year starting in March ending with a graduation in May/June.
Field Trips Check out my website for an updated list of 6th Grade Events. (Camp is October 30th)
Assignments If an assignments is turned in late, it is scored as a 50%. If a student is absent for a day, he/she has a day to make up the work. Graded assignments are sent home weekly.
PowerSchool This online site allows you to monitor your child’s academic progress. Please see the office if you do not have an account.
Check out my website Please sign up for conferences. We need volunteers for camp and donations for holiday parties.
Good night.