Introduction and Welcome


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction and Welcome

Objectives Present AIXM 5 goals Explain AIXM 5 design concepts Temporality GML – Geography Markup Language Metadata Identification Explain the content of AIXM Aerodromes, Routes, Obstacles, … Explain the AIXM XML schema Speak about supporting and related standards Present initial implementations and trials Our primary goal this week is to introduce AIXM 5 technical concepts and gather feedback from the global aeronautical information community. Remember these working papers and recommendations are only draft and we encourage your comment and participation. There are a number of questions the attendees should be considering throughout the next two days: Are the AIXM 5 design decisions acceptable and do they lead to an open, forward thinking aeronautical standard Does the AIXM data model include the information you need to exchange? Do you understand how to adopt AIXM for your own system design and data exchange work? Not all questions will be answered in the meeting. Please use the AIXM Forum to ask any questions that you might have and which will not be answered by our presentations.



Participants 26 States (European States, United States, Japan, Nigeria) AIS staff Companies that provide AIS software & services Data service providers

Speakers EUROCONTROL FAA Guest speaker Ken Reid – Head of AIM Eddy Porosnicu – AIM & Digital NOTAM Expert Sam Van der Stricht – AIM & GIS Expert Scott Wilson – AIXM Support FAA Brett Brunk – FAA Architecture and Planning Barb Cordell – Manager Data Architecture - ATO Antonio Rubiera – Research Analyst, CNAC Guest speaker Alain Hubert – OGC, Ionic Software, Head of Research & Development

Administrative information Registration and Nametags All materials will be published on Coffee during breaks Restaurant & sandwich bar Any other admin problems contact Esther GERRIS-LAHOU Cell Phones Before going much farther I want to provide you with administrative information. We have a registration list. If you have not checked the registration list, please visit the registration desk during the next break. When you register you should receive a name badge and the meeting agenda. All meeting materials will also be available on the web site.

Welcome from EUROCONTROL Ken REID Head of AIM Division Responsible for EUROCONTROL aeronautical information strategy and planning

AIM Concept – an International Perspective Roadmap towards AIM modernization Data quality and integrity Institutional issues “the right digital Aeronautical Information, at the right place, at the right time.” SESAR/NEXTGEN From legacy text distribution towards digital system Concepts of operation Submission Distribution Networks Advanced briefing concepts Part of to the AIM Concept AIXM 5 is the foundation for Digital NOTAM Partnership of EUROCONTROL and FAA with support of international community Digital NOTAMS – an International Perspective

A Global Commitment… Your presence here today shows a global commitment to making AIXM and digital NOTAM a success… AIXM can only be a global standard for aeronautical information with your help. Your presence here today shows a global commitment to making AIXM a success.